Chapter 1 |:| First impressions

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Hello~! And welcome, first off thanks for giving my book a chance, i hope you enjoy. Second, if you're here from my Raihan X reader (ocean eyes) HI AND WELCOME BACK!! Im so happy you decided to join me in yet another book!

Anyway, here ya go :)

Y/n's pov

*yyaaawwwwnnnn* you stretched, sitting up from your bed, head still fuzzy.

"Y/n, darling! Time for breakfast!" Shouted a voice from downstairs.

"Coming!" You responded, voice grainy and dry.

After a few moments of procrastination, you hop out of bed and head down the stairs, nearly tripping over your dad's Cinccino, who looked up at you, utterly unimpressed that you almost stepped on it.

Narrowing your eyes at the silver mound of fluff, you move on and step into the kitchen, bumping into yet another one of your dads pokemon, Lucario.

"Lu?" It questioned, turning around and setting its friendly crimson gaze on you.

"sorry" you muttered, maneuvering around it and taking a seat at the table.

"Goodmorning Y/n" hummed your dad, flipping a stack of bacon on the frying pan.

"Morning dad...*yawn* i almost stepped on Cinccino again, can you tell it not to sit on the stairs?" You asked, feeling a twinge of annoyance. After all, this was the third time it's almost happened.

"I dont control where Spoon sits" he shrugged, smiling at his pokemons cute nickname.

"You're its trainer, of course you control it" you grumbled, propping your head on your hand.

With a sigh, your dad placed a plate in front of you, full of steaming hot bacon, eggs and toast. "Thats not how it works
Y/ would know that if you would let me get you a pokemo-"

"Yeah yeah i know! Bonds and friendship blah blah blah. I already told you dad, i dont want to be a trainer. So that means i dont need a pokemon" You asserted, shoving a mouthful of your food in your mouth.

Sitting down across from you, he let out another sigh, silently digging into his food.

After a few moments of peace, you heard the back door creak open, and in came bounding Leafeon, nearly knocking over your houseplants.

"For a grass type, its accidentally murdered a surprising amount of plants" you remembered bitterly.

"Ah, good morning Cricket" greeted your dad, chuckling at his pet name for Leafeon.

It responded to him with a contented mew, before rubbing itself along your leg like a meowth.

"Hey dude" you acknowledged, mouth still full of food.

"Y/n, its name isnt 'dude', you've got to stop talking to my pokemon as if theyre your roommates or something" scolded your dad, knitting his eyebrows together.

"Well, they basically are my roomates. Seeing as how they are literally everywhere and i cant take TWO steps without running into them." You responded. This was a very familiar topic in your household.

"Maybe if you actually treated them like living beings instead of annoyances, then they wouldnt get in your way." Shrugged your dad.

"But they ARE annoyances. I didnt ask to be stuffed into a house full of animals." You scowled, not daring to say this to your dads face, but wishing you could.

"Would you mind bringing them their food by the way? Oh, and Bowser needs to be checked for Tynamo" he instructed. "I swear he attracts them like Venomoth to a flame!" He gestured, throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

💫💞𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒💞💫 |:| Leon X Reader |:| PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now