Chapter 7 |:| Soaring!

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Mmmmm. BOYS


Y/n pov

The crowed roared as the ceremony began. I winced from the sheer volume and covered Vulpix's ears.

The chairman had come on screen, explaining the gist of the gym challenge, and introduced each of the gym leaders as they walked onto the field.

As much as i felt like this sort of initiation ceremony was dumb, i found myself brimming with curiosity as each of the unique leaders showed themselves.

There was Milo, nessa, Kabu, Bea, Allister, Opal, Gordie, Melony, Piers, and Raihan.

Each of them specialized in different kinds of Pokémon, and for some gyms, apparently you could choose to either battle with one or the other—such as the Circhester gym, where Melony shared her leader responsibility with her son, Gordie.

They all looked rather used to the crowds, such as Raihan, who was soaking in the cheers from his fangirls, but i noticed Allister in particular was visibly uncomfortable.

Thats when the challengers all pooled onto the field as well, filling it up with their white uniforms.

I tried to pick out Hop from the crowd, but to no avail.

As the opening ceremony drew to a close, i let out a breath through my nose and filed out of the stadium with the rest of the crowd.

"Where on earth did all these people come from anyway??"

Finding myself back in the lobby i was finally able to spot Hop, and surprisingly, his brother

"Oh! Y/n!" Grinned Leon as i approached.

"Hey guys, how was it Hop?" I asked

"Just about the most awesomest thing i have ever witnessed!!! That was seriously SO COOL!!" He shouted, throwing his arms up in the air excitedly.

Both me and Leon chuckled at the sight.

"I just remembered, Lee didnt you say you had something for Y/n?" Said Hop, turning to his brother.

"Ack! I almost forgot! Come outside Y/n"

Me and Hop exchanged a confused glance before shrugging and following behind.

Once we were a decent ways away from the stadium doors, Leon pulled out a pokeball.

My face practically retracted into my skull.

"That better not be a pokemon or ARCEUS HELP ME I WILL-"

"Can you take out your phone for me?" Asked the champion.

Now i was really confused.

"My phone? Sure i guess" i muttered, putting Vulpix in one arm and using my other to pull it out from my pocket.

Unfortunately, seeing as how i...didnt get out much, i hadnt exactly made that many friends...anddd the only person that was in my contacts was my dad.

"Can i see it? Unlocked please?"

"Dont check my contacts dont check my contacts!!" I prayed as i handed it over.

Poking at the screen with his thumb, his eyes widened. He looked up at me, holding my gaze for a moment with a certain expression on his face.

Was it confusion? Or pity...

He let out a "hm" before going back to typing.


💫💞𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒💞💫 |:| Leon X Reader |:| PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now