Chapter 5 |:| Goodbye

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Yknow i used to be like "why would anyone like leon??" But NOW im like "how could you NOT like leon????"


It was quiet from where me and Leon sat at the pokemon centre. We had given Nurse Joy our pokemon to be healed and now we waited in silence, gazing out the window as people walked to their homes to go to bed.

Thats when a random question popped into my head, "Hey...Leon?" I spoke softly, his name still feeling foreign on my tongue.

Leons purple hair shifted as he turned to look at me with soft eyes. "Yeah?"

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment about the question i had, it really wasnt any of my business. "N-nevermind" i stuttered, looking away.

Leon let out a low chuckle. "What is it? You can tell me" he smiled, leaning forwards.

I looked around, the pokemon centre was completely empty other than me and Leon.

"Well...i was come you wear that cape?" I muttered, training my gaze on the floor.

A moment passed before Leon bursted out laughing, making me feel even more embarrassed for asking. Its not like i was trying to get to know him, i was just curious!!

Leons laughter died down, "The cape isnt- well..." he trailed off, scanning the pokemon centre for any prying eyes, when he found none, he continued. "The cape isnt really my choice...the chairman thought that it would help me be seen as a hero in the eyes of the public. I dont mind wearing it....just...sometimes it makes me feel a bit...lonely" he admitted, looking away.

There was a stab of panic that ran through me, "Oh crap! What the heck am i supposed to say to that??? Hes opening up to me and i dont know what to do!!"

Without thinking, i blurted out the forst word that came to my mind.


Leons eyes refocused on me, and it felt like he was searching my soul.

"WHYYY did i SAY that?? Now hes gonna think im nosy!! Ugh! Its none of my business!! I shouldnt have said anything!!!" I internally died.

"Well, when you think of a kinda put them on a pedestal, and they're usually seen as more important than the average person....thats not the image that i want to project. I want people to believe that anyone could be a hero, not that you have to be the Galar champion just to be special." He explained.

I stared at him in awe, he is way deeper than i had originally thought. Maybe my idea of him was wrong?

With my silence, his face twisted with embarrassment and his cheeks turned pink. "Sorry! That probably made no sense! Gah i shouldnt have said anything" he fussed, ruffling his hair and hiding his face in his hands.

"No! Its okay! glad you told me, its nice to know that youre an actual human and not just some shallow celebrity..." i said, placing my hand on his.

He looked up at me, shocked, and a warm smile crept onto his face, his golden eyes melting into mine. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Nurse joy cleared her throat, carrying a tray of two pokeballs and my dive ball.

I snapped my hand back to my side, embarrassed, and smiled weakly at Leon, who had already stood up to receive our pokemon.

"Have a good night" chirped Nurse joy as she gave him the balls.

He cast her an award winning smile in return, and her cheeks dusted pink.

I rolled my eyes, i suppose not everyone has the gift of being immune to his charm, unlike me.

💫💞𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒💞💫 |:| Leon X Reader |:| PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now