Chapter 6 |:| Train ride

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This photo of Leon is just so ❤️
Hi hi!!! Im back! And this chapters late BUT ITS HERE

The train ride was decently comfortable, it was one of those trains with private booths to sit in and lit by soft warm lights, instead of harsh blue-white light. Me and Hop sat side by side with Leon across from us, separated by a small table.

"Do you guys want to know something cool?" Asked Hop.

Me and Leon turned our attention to him.

"Apparently, certain Rotom have specific personalities, and those personalities stick with them even when they're inside a machine. So some people have really grumpy Rotom phones." He chuckled.

I smiled at Hops random fact, and continued to pet Vulpix, who was sleeping comfortably on my lap.

Just before i could respond to Hop, the train car gave a shudder, before all the lights flicked off.

All three of us looked around in confusion. After all, its never a good sign when lights turn off without reason.

Leaning over Hop, i peeked out the window, since we were turning a corner i could see the other train cars, which still had lights.

"It must be a malfunction, we're the only ones without lights." I said calmly, put at ease that we were in no danger.

Leon nodded, his face concerned. We sat in silence for a few more minutes before i started to shiver.

Bringing my hands to rub my arms, i realized that Hop was shaking as well.

"Did it just get, brrr, really cold?" Shivered Hop.

I brought my hands to my mouth and breathed hot air onto them, a feeble attempt of warming up.

"It-ts s-summer, why is it s-so c-c-cold??" Stuttered out Leon, who had wrapped his cape around himself.

Vulpix was looking at me with a concerned gaze, it rubbed its cheek against mine and pressed its body close to me, trying to help warm me up, but because of its ice-typing, it only made me colder.

"T-thanks for trying" i said, smiling weakly down at my partner.

Vulpix had realized that it was only worsening the situation, and hopped onto the table in front of us, looking incredibly frustrated that it couldnt help.

I took in a deep breath and willed my frozen body to move, standing up. The trains sudden temperature drop was entirely unnatural, not to mention the lights. I had to see if the other train cars were experiencing the same thing.

After getting to my feet, i shuffled over to the walkway, Vulpix at my heels, undoubtedly cringing at having to walk on the floor.

I made it to the connecting door, and tried the handle, it turned, but the door stayed shut.

"Is it frozen?" I questioned, because it certainly wasnt locked and yet it wouldnt open.

I was about to bang on the door to see if someone from the neighboring car could open it from their side, but a chill ran up my spine as i felt a presence behind me.

Frozen in fear, my eyes snapped to Vulpix, who looked just about as terrified as me.

Swallowing hard, i whipped around, facing the possible threat. But was astonished when i saw that there was nothing there.

Down the walkway, all that could be seen was Leon and Hop poking their head out curiously, but i couldve sworn that at the opposite end of the car, there was a shadow, complete with glowering yellow eyes, staring right at me.

As my gaze focused on them, they rippled and faded away, as if they were never there.

The lights flicked on.

And the temperature instantly returned to normal, making my skin sting with the sudden change.

My wide eyes met with Vulpix's, and it too knew that something had been deeply wrong.


Something was watching us.

Swallowing hard, i slowly knelt down and gingerly picked Vulpix up off the floor, walking my way back to the group.

"That was....weird" edged Leon, eyeing me up and down.

"Yeah, what the heck just happened?!" Questioned Hop, looking at me frantically for an answer.

My hands were still shaking with adrenaline as they clutched onto Vulpix.

I thought about telling them about the shadow, with those yellow eyes, but would they believe me? Hop definitely would, but it would scare the life out of him...he doesnt need that right before his big journey.

"Im sure it was nothing" i said, struggling to keep my voice from shaking. "This train is an older model, so it probably has power bumps like that all the time"

Hop looked relieved and nodded his head, leaning back in his seat and setting his gaze on the window. Leon however, kept his eyes on me, already knowing that i was keeping something from him.

I raised my eyebrows in gesture to Hop in hopes if getting the message to Leon that i dont want to talk about it right now.

Leons eyes narrowed in confusion, but thankfully he let it go and turned towards the window.

I let out a silent sigh of relief as i fiddled with one of Vulpix's tails. The rest of the ride was silent with everyone caught up in their own thoughts.

Before i knew it, the ride was over and we had made it to Motostoke, no words were said between us as we exited the train, but as soon as we got out into Motostoke, Hop came alive.

"Ohmygoshohmygosh we're HEREEEE!!! Guys can you believe that im starting my pokemon journey??!!! This is incredible!" He rambled, bouncing around like an Azuril.

Leon let out a hearty chuckle, "I guess i'd better watch out, youre coming for my champions title."

Hop spun on his heels to face Leon, "You bet i am! Im going to be the greatest champion ever!" He chirped, pumping a fist into the air.

My lips curled unto a bright smile, Hop always knew how to lift peoples moods.

Before we knew it, we were in the stadiums audience, watching the opening ceremony. Vulpix sat gracefully on my lap, looking down at all the spectators below us, a spark of curiosity in its eyes.

Leon had gotten lost in the sea of fans that swarmed him as soon as we entered the stadium, so i decided to find a seat and meet up with him later.

This should be interesting


Creepy thingsss ooOooOoOoo SpOoOkY
Stay safe friends ✌🏼❤️

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