Chapter 4 |:| Awkward

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Also sorry, i died for a sec lol BUT IM BACK, idk for how long, school is tiring but YEAH


Y/n pov

*knock knock*

The door swung open immediately, as if someone had been awaiting my arrival.

"Y/N!!!" Gleamed Hop, throwing himself at me with a big hug, only to be startled back when he heard a certain, "VUL, VULPIX!!"

Vulpix shreiked and kicked at the sudden contact, scaring Hop off, only for his smile to get wider when he saw the pokemon in my arms.

"No. Way."

"NO WAY!! Y/n, you got a pokemon?? Why didnt you tell me??!!!" He beamed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I am telling you, this is me telling you. I only got Vulpix like, ten minutes ago" i laughed, changing my grip on Vulpix to make it more comfortable.

"Oh wow, so you guys like, JUST met. Congrats!! I knew that you would come around to pokemon eventually." Nodded Hop, crossing his arms.

"It wasn't entirely my decision...but, i think that maybe training it wont be so bad." I smiled, looking down fondly at Vulpix.

Of course, it wasnt as if my overall opinion on pokemon would be changed within a day, the idea of having any pokemon other than Vulpix still sounded ludicrous. But so far, in the short amount of time i've had it, Vulpix has been...interesting? I want to get to know it more, thats for sure.

"Do you know what this means Y/n?? Now we can BATTLE!!!" Shouted Hop, sparkles in his eyes.

" not sure if Vulpix would really-"

"Vul, Vulpix!!" It barked, glaring daggers at Hop, obviously still annoyed at being
hug-squished by him.

"I guess that means it wants to battle...alright, lets do it. How hard can it be?"

"Great! Oh, come inside real quick, i have something to show you!!" Said Hop, almost making me Drop Vulpix as he grasped my arm and dragged me into his house.

Looking around, the interior was very familiar, as i had visited many times. Nothing had moved since my last visit. Following Hop, i turned the corner into the living room, thats when Hop screamed.


There, on the couch, was a very startled, very almost naked man, the only thing covering him was a pair of loose, colorful boxers. He shot up from his place on the couch, and flushed red as his eyes landed on me.

I met his gaze awkwardly, and instantly recognized him as the man from before, who was talking with my father.

And who had also seen right through my soaked shirt.

What was his name again?

"DOESNT MATTER! What DOES matter is that this is the CHAMPION. And i am IN HIS HOUSE. And its NOT OKAY, the poor guy just wants to lay on his couch in his underwear, and he cant go two seconds without the public barging in."

Of course, i still didnt like him, he's weird and flirty and thinks hes the best. But i still feel bad, and he probably just wants a break from his fans.

"Okay, Hop im gonna go wait at my house, come get me when you're ready to battle." I stated, shuffling towards the door.

"But i havent shown you-"

"Nope! This is too weird, im going"

Then, Leon rushed over and put a hand on my shoulder, thwarting my escape.

💫💞𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒💞💫 |:| Leon X Reader |:| PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now