Chapter 8 |:| Something called fear

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This is late...sorry😭

Y/n pov

My words seemed to be caught in my throat as we soared above galar. For the first time, the mood between us was tense.

"...what? What does that mean?" I asked, my pride still aching.

Through my grip on Leons torso, i felt him breathe out a sigh, "i'll...i'll tell you some other time" he said quietly. "Right now..." he shook his head, "its too soon"

I uncovered myself from his cape and held it against him to ensure it wasnt flapping in my face. I was frustrated that he wouldnt just tell me, is it really that big of a deal?

Shifting to get a look at his face, i saw just how troubled and conflicted he looked. "I guess to him it really is a big deal"

With a grumble, i decided to let it go, "as long as its not pity" i stated.

Before Leon could respond however, Charizard came to an abrupt stop midair.

Leon tensed, "Whats the matter?"

I took a look at my surroundings, if Charizard and Leon were on edge then something must be wrong.

My suspicion proved correct as i felt a gust of air on my back. Snapping my neck to look behind me, i was shocked to see nothing was there.

Charizard began thrashing in the air, whatever it was, spooked the pokemon pretty badly as he ducked into a nosedive.

Just before we started to plummet, i swear i caught a glimpse of the same, sharp yellow eyes that i saw on the train...just floating midair.

I gasped, clutching onto Leon as he tried to regain control of Charizard—but to no avail. We were headed straight down into what looked to be the wild area.

Within a matter of seconds, Charizard had half-crashed half-landed onto the grassy terrain. The once calm pokemon now thrashed around, beating its wings aggressively and roaring in defensive fright.

Me and Leon were tossed off, landing with a thud on the ground. Leon sprung to his feet and grabbed Charizard by the horns, forcing it to look into his eyes.

"Charizard enough! Whats the matter? What happened??" He questioned.

Leon received no answer, but thankfully, Charizards breathing slowed as it calmed down.

I was staring at the two with wide eyes, trembling at the thought of what had just happened.

Those yellow eyes flashed in my mind, sure enough, they matched those that i had seen on the train.

My fright turned to pure terror as i connected the dots.

I was being followed.

As to why, or what was following me, i was unsure. But whatever it was, was clearly not afraid of Leon.

A tear pricked in each of my eyes, rolling down my cheek and dripping into my lap, setting the path for more and more to come.

Hiding my face in my hands, i felt Leons gaze on me as he returned his pokemon to its ball.

"Wha-?! Hey, hey, its okay, you dont have to cry, youre safe now" he soothed. Coming to sit beside me.

I felt so embarrassed, crying, in front of the champion of all people. All i could to was curl into a ball and tuck my head in my knees.

Why couldnt it have been Hop, or Absol, or even my dad to see me in such a state. Why on earth did it have to be him.

My body tensed as i felt something warm and soft drape over me. Completely covering my body.

"His cape..."

Leon sat close, placing a gentle hand on my head and guiding it to rest on his chest.

"I'll protect you no matter what. Thats what i promised your dad when i offered to take you with me." He said, voice strong yet gentle.

Now, his tone softened even further, and he slowly lifted his cape to reveal my face, my cheeks were wet and flushed, but he didnt seem to mind as he cupped my face in his hand and brought it to face him.

"There's something else bothering you isnt there, did you see what spooked Charizard?" He spoke gently.

My stomach twisted at the thought of those eyes. I swallowed hard and nodded my head.

" was on the train with us too" i choked.

Leon tensed, "So thats why you looked to shaken up when you had come back after inspecting the door" he realized. "Is it a pokemon? Surely it cant be a person...right?"

I shook my head, "i dont know what it is followed me and-" i stopped when realization hit me. Pulling away from Leon, i began to apologize, "Im so sorry! None of this would've happened if you weren't travelling with me. Now Charizards been spooked out of its mind and we're in the middle of the wild area when you're supposed to be in Hammerlocke and-"

"Enough already!" he interrupted, pulling me into a hug, one arm on my lower back and the other on my head. "I wont have you blaming yourself, there must be an explanation as to why its been following you. But i promise, you arent a burden, i knew that we would have some sort of bumps along the road when i agreed to this. It just so happens that this bump is particularly...erm...creepy"

I closed my eyes and let myself relax in his arms, and i slowly wrapped my own around his waist. Pressing my head gently into his chest. A silent thank you.

What i didnt see was the small blush that crept onto his face as i did so.

But of course, all good things come to an end. Eventually i had come to my senses and realized that our close proximity was surely going to look VERY strange to anyone who just so happens to bypass us. I pushed away from him and stood up, wiping the dampness from my face. "Sorry" i mumbled, looking away from him.

He frowned, but soon stood up and dusted himself off.

"Lets walk. Luckily Charizards little stunt gained us a lot of ground really fast. Hammerlocke is just up there" he pointed.

When i looked, i saw a massive set of stairs, with what looked to be a dragon head overlooking it. It was a little ways away, but not too far.

I began the trek without a second glance at Leon, too ashamed of my breakdown.

"Maybe my dad was right...maybe im not ready for this"


Stay safe friends!💖

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