Chapter 10 |:| What now?

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"You know, you have a pretty face" Nessa leaned in considerately. "You should let me and Sonia take you out! Fix you up!" She grinned excitedly, sparkles in her eyes.

I looked askance. A conversation about my 'looks' was not what i'd signed up for today. Especially not in front of Leon.

"Erm....yeah....maybe" I responded stiffly, trying my best not to come off as rude.

Thats when Sonia held out a finger to Vulpix, who was still in my arms.

"Aww, hi little baby. You're still just little, arent'cha?" She coo'ed gently. To my utmost surprise, Vulpix looked at her with curious eyes and gave her finger a sniff, no hint of disgust.

A wave of surprise washed over me, "My Vulpix doesnt really like people much, but it seems to be okay with you" i pondered aloud, still feeling strange in calling it "My" Vulpix.

Sonia gave a slight giggle as Nessa patted her on the back, "Thats because Sonia here is working to become a pokemon professor" Nessa stated proudly, as if it were her own achievement. "Shes amazing with pokemon."

"My Yamper used to be just like your Vulpix. Didnt like people, not one bit. But some pokemon just need a gentle hand and a trainer to trust." She smiled nostalgically. "Oh!" She pressed her hands together, "So i suppose that means you'll be at dinner too?" She asked, looking between me and Leon.

"Dinner? You mean with Raihan?" Leon tipped his head.

"Of course!"

Leon looked just about ready to bolt out of the hotel, chase down Raihan and set Charizard pn him. "Raihan failed to inform me that this would be a group event" he clicked his tongue, pinching his brow. "But the more the merrier" he grinned.

"Except for me" I reminded quietly.

He glanced down at me, "Oh, right, sorry. I almost forgot. Apologies girls but im going to take Y/n upstairs" he excused himself.

"Wait, wont she be joining us?" Nessa questioned.

Leon looked expectantly at me to answer her, but i'd already felt awkward enough in this situation that her direct question to me made me fail to find the words.

"We've had a bit of" Leon chuckled uncomfortably, recounting the earlier mishap with Charizard. "First time traveller" he explained.

"Awh, you poor thing, its no wonder you look so exhausted" Nessa furrowed her brow sympathetically. Definitely not noticing how she'd just stabbed my ego.

"My dark circles cant be THAT bad..."

"Alright, well we'll let you two get sorted. See you at dinner, Leon. And i hope to see you again too! Preferably for a girls day!" Sonia giggled, fluttering her fingers at me with her blue acrylic nails before linking her elbow with Nessa's and heading for the door.

"They look so....close" i breathed, mostly to myself. Never had i thought of having somebody like that, who knew me so well that they could speak for me and get every word right. But in that moment, a wave of longing washed over me. Perhaps me and Hop couldve been close like that, only....hes a guy so its unlikely he'd have the brain capacity.

"Maybe i shouldve accepted their offer to come to dinner..."

Leon dragged me from my thoughts, calling for me to follow him to the elevator.

"So, what did you think of those two? I know they can be a little overwhelming-"

"Theyre amazing" i stated with a straight face, no doubt with glimmers of admiration in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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