Chapter 9 |:| But we arent.

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My legs burned as we climbed up the tall Hammerlocke staircase.

"Why wouldnt they just put an elevator here or something??!"

"You doing okay?" Asked Leon once we got to the top.

"Peachy." I growled.

"Ahah....." he laughed uncomfortably.

Vulpix looked between the two of us in confusion, i had brought it out a few minutes before and it was clearly startled at the tension.

Why is it that there was always some sort of problem between me and Leon? Since the very start. Well, i suppose it's not really a problem that he hugged me...but now its just...awkward. Not to say it wasn't awkward before but now its even MORE awkward.

I turned my head to look at him as we passed Hammerlockes gate. This city reminded me a lot of Wedgehurst, but it seems slightly less steampunk in a way and more ancient. Like theres a multitude of history buried underneath these stone pathways, waiting to be unearthed.

I had expected Leon to be deep in thought like i had been, but alas, he was watching a Rookiedee pecking at a breadcrumb on the ground with his mouth slightly parted—like a Goldeen.

My eyes narrowed as he nearly tripped over a crack in the road, how could this man be the esteemed champion of Galar? Looking down at Vulpix, i could tell it was thinking the same thing.

Before we got any further, Leon gasped as he spotted...something, and turned to me with fright. He looked around and began ushering me towards a pokemon centre. "Come on come on move!!! You gotta hide. Youre not ready for this!" He fussed.

"Wha- hey hey HEY!" I stomped, stopping in my tracks. "Just what do you think youre doing?? And what are you talking abou-"

"Leon?! Hey where ya goin?!" Called a voice.

Suddenly Leon was yanked back by his cape, and a looming man with cold blue eyes gave him a toothy grin.

"Whaaaaat! Are you trying to avoid me?! Come on man! Dont you love me?!" The man questioned, making a kissy face at Leon, which made him recoil with a crinkled nose.

"Get off me, man" struggled Leon, pushing the guy away.

Both their gazes turned to me, and a look of delight swepted across the strangers face.

"Hey! Leon where have you been hiding this Ninetales of a girl." He said, leaning closer to me, still having an elbow rested apon Leons broad shoulder. I took a step back and gave him a glare, he didnt seem to care.

He smiled, showing off two prominent canines, "She could use will-o-wisp on me any da- OW!" He cried as Leon slapped him upside the head.

"Thats enough outta you Raihan" Leon smiled out of gritted teeth. "Y/n, this is Raihan, Raihan, this is Y/n, Mr. L/n's daughter."

Raihans eyes widened, "So that old man had a daughter all this time?! No way! How did i not know?!" He demanded, baffled.

"Beats me" shrugged Leon.

The two of them continued to talk as i stood aside awkwardly, why did everyone seem to know my dad?

"Hes not THAT famous...." I grumbled to myself.

Uninterested in Leons conversation with his...forward friend. I snuck away to go look at the various shops nearby. I didn't understand why Leon was trying to hide me from Raihan. Im not delicate...i can handle a flirty guy. Perhaps i've been too vulnerable with Leon, i needed to smarten up.

💫💞𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑢𝑡𝑒💞💫 |:| Leon X Reader |:| PokemonWhere stories live. Discover now