Chapter 3 |:| Partner

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First week of school, and im already struggling to keep up with my weekly updates to my books T^T

Y/n pov



"Y/n! Wake up!"

My head shot up as my dad shook me awake. Peering out the window, i saw that it was well into the evening, with the sun preparing to set.

"Have you been sleeping this whole time?" Questioned dad.

" yes." I admitted, looking away guiltily, internally hoping that he would go away so i could sleep again.

*sigh* "okay, it doesnt matter. Because from now on, you're going to be too busy for naps!" Grinned dad, rifling through his pockets before pulling out a blue and white pokeball—better known as a dive ball.

My eyes widened as I remembered our earlier conversation. When he had told me that he was going to get me a pokemon (against my will!) and i would have to train it.

"You me a pokemon" i breathed, dread seeping into my bones as I realized my life would never be the same.

"Yup, can you guess what it is? I think you're really going to like it" he said, obviously very excited to see if i liked his selection.

"Well...thats a dive ball so is it a water type?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light, for his sake. After all, it was official, from now on, i would be a pokemon trainer.

"Not quite, but i can see why you'd think that. Why dont you let it out and see?" He smiled, handing me the ball.

Its shiny surface was shockingly cold against my hand, like holding a snowball. Dad's pokeballs had never been this cold, so whats wrong with this one?

Remembering the many times dad had made me practice sending out and returning his pokemon, i tossed the dive ball lightly into the air, watching as it reacted with a shining light.

A chilling breeze swept over me as a small, white pokemon plopped gracefully onto my bed.

Its pointed ears twitched with curiosity as it stared at me with big, beautiful, blue eyes.

"Is this....a Vulpix??" I gawked, leaning forward to inspect it further.

"Good observation! Yes, its a Vulpix."

"It looks like a Vulpix...but its all white, and its fur is fluffy. Is it sick?" I probed, shifting my position to better examine.

"Of course not. I got this Vulpix from a good friend of mine, he's a breeder and specializes in regional variants of Pokemon. This Vulpix is Alolan, so its an ice type instead of a fire type. It hatched a few days ago and was the calmest of its litter, perfect for a beginner." Explained dad.

"Interesting....wait- did you say it hatched a few days ago? I thought the whole point of me being forced to have a pokemon was so i would be protected. How am I supposed to be protected by a baby?"

"Well- this way you can train it to be strong yourself! You'll stay in Postwick, where its safe, and train this little Vulpix until it can hold its own in battle, and here's the exciting part, once its strong, you can go wherever you want! The region will be yours to explore! Doesnt that sound fun?"

"So...if i train it...i can go to Unova?" I smiled hopefully. I'd always been fascinated by their ways of life, how everyone eats burgers for breakfast and keeps a shotgun at the table, assuming those rumours are true, imagine how awesome that would be!

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