Chapter 9

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"Shit Sophia! We're gonna be late for practice!" I sat up quickly, getting a head rush. 

"Oh my god." She sat up too. 

How do I even face Morgan today? What did I do???

"Sophia what did I do?" I asked, standing up, realizing I had no idea where my shorts are. 

"You slept with me." She said. 

"How do I even go to practice today? How do I even see Morgan?" 

"No idea." 

I walked out, and just got dressed and grabbed my bag for practice. What did I do? Why? 

I'm a terrible person. 

We were silent the whole car ride, I had nothing to say to her, because I wasn't mad at her, I was mad at myself. I'm absolutely kicking myself. But a part of me wants to hold on to last night forever. 

We made it right on time, but I literally couldn't walk out of the locker room. I told everyone I would be out in a minute, I said I had to fix my shin guards. 

Then once everyone was gone, I absolutely broke down. Uncontrollable crying, I cou;dn't calm down. I was such a horrible person that it hurt. Why couldn't life be as simple as it was 3 days ago? Why did everything get so complicated all of a sudden?

I was just sitting in my locker, my knees pulled to my chest, missing everything the coaches were saying, Morgan, Sophia, and the coaches looking through the group for me. They were probably giving the update on Bella, who still hasn't answered me, and I'm missing it. 

Someone walked into the locker room with a big sigh, and I tried to get quiet quickly. But I couldn't stop my sobbing, and I gave up. 

"What the?" I heard someone say. I couldn't tel who it was. "Taylor?" 

I lifted my head to see Sam Coffey staring at me. 

"Are you okay? Well, wait that's a dumb question. What happened?" She sat down on the very edge of  the locker, and I moved over to give her some space. She put her arm around me. "Everyone's looking for you." 

"I can't go out there." I said through sobs. 

"Why not?" 


"Because why?" 

"Because I'm a horrible person." 

"You are most definitely not." 

I took a shaky deep breath, getting ready to tell her everything, but instead I started crying again. I buried my face into her shoulder. 

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"She asked quietly. 

I was able to calm myself down enough to tell her everything, just in time for someone else to walk in. 

"What are you-" One of the trainers came in, but stopped when she saw me. "What's going on?" 

All I could do was cry, and Sam really didn't know what to say. 

"Uhh, she's just having a really rough day." She said. 

"Well Sam you should really get back to practice. I'm gonna call...." 

I didn't want Sam to go, so I wrapped myself around her arm. 

"I think I have to stay here." She said. 

"I can't go get her roommate Sophia or anything? So you can go practice and she can handle this?" 

"I'd rather just stay here." 

"Whatever you want. What should I tell the coaches and trainers?" 

"Rough morning." Sam replied. "And don't put it on blast to the whole team please." 

"Got it." The trainer left after that, and Sam started talking about everything that had happened to me. 

Secondhand - Sophia SmithWhere stories live. Discover now