Ch.7 Save me, please

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"Mark, wake up.. Wake up please!!" I cried. Holding him in my arms, his body felt cold. I took his hand, and held it close to my chest. "Please, Mark, please!"
His body was relaxed in my cradle. And to be honest, I was really scared. It had been a week since the outbreak. We can't lose this early, we simply can't. An unwitting tear rolled down my cheek, that fell onto Mark's masked face. My hand grasped his hair, I fell forwards and cried onto his chest. However a few minutes later my tears stopped flowing, there were no tears left to cry. Because someone, had to pay for what they'd done. Laying Mark's head down on a pillow, and softly letting go of his body; I stood up, eyes determined and fierce.

"Toby, mind coming over here?" I mumbled, yet I knew he could hear me from the across the attic. I saw from the corner of my eye he was walking over to me; good.

"What is it?.." He stumbled, his voice breaking. I looked at him directly in the eyes, for the first time in a while, they were shattered. Once calm and lovable, to cold and strict, now broken in a million pieces like a mirror. But I doubt the eyes of my own looked so different. It took a second, until a loud *smack* echoed through the empty attic.

"You should feel ashamed of yourself, Toby." I snarled at him, for that was the truth. The amount of anger and disappointment in my body was immense.

"Trust me, I am. I never meant for this to happen!" Toby blabbered, his cheek began to grow a red rash-like-mark from the slap.

"You know I heard your argument a few days ago? I heard every single word of that. Why are you behaving like this?." I insisted

Toby was silent. He looked at the floor, and did not give a peep.

"Toby, fucking speak! Mark is laying on the floor, passed out, with terrible injuries, because of you! And you can't do as simple of a thing as say you're sorry." tears once again began streaming down my face.

"Who am I supposed to say sorry to, as you said, he's fucking passed out! I'll apologise when he wakes up." he shouted, finally looking at me.

"You can apologise to me. All this time you've been blocking me out! You've dragged me along, but not give my opinions a listen. I've had to deal with you and Mark's fighting for days, yet you haven't asked how I felt about all this." I saw Toby's eyes were beginning to wet as well, but what did he have to cry for. All he had done was mess things up.

"No, I'm not apologising for that. If you want to be heard you need to speak. Something you're not able to do in these situations. You may be funny and charming, but Tommy, you are not a leader, and never will be." Toby snapped. And just as quick as this came to be, Toby had left. He took the things he owned, and walked out.

I didn't care. I actually didn't give a fuck. I thought that now he was gone, it'd be more peaceful. But.. Mark wasn't awake, and Toby's presence being gone left an empty hole in the atmosphere. I'd simply have to wait until Mark woke up, which I had no idea how long that could take.

And as time passed, the sun began setting behind the red and orange autumn trees. Time went by, yes. Though it felt as if the ticking of a clock just went silent. The endless waiting of a goal I thought was unachievable at this point, kept rolling towards me. Or, that's what I thought at least.

I decided to go to bed, it would assure time went by quicker. I moved my bed closer to where Mark laid, and covered myself with a blanket. I held Mark's hand, it was soft, and much bigger than mine. It was so quiet. Mark's jokes were submerged in silence, and Toby's ranting was gone. It was just me. Me and my thoughts, alone at last. . . .

The next day came quickly, and I felt my hand no longer being in the grasp of the man laying next to me. I sat myself up and stared at the flooring in front of me, to get used to being awake once more.

But once I looked besides me, I saw Mark was awake! He was sitting up, staring forward.

"Mark, you're awake!" I burst out.

"y..yeah, yippee..!" he replied in agony.

"What's wrong?. You're scaring me.."

"Where's Toby.?" he asked, ignoring the question I gave him.

"He.. left." I doubted telling him the truth, but he should know. "He's the reason you're like this, why do you care?"

Mark sighed, and tilted his head towards me. And.. he took off his glasses..
His eyes were grey, strong like metal, yet sad as a rainy cloud. His eyebrows were as perfect as a sunny day, the mean girls were jealous. He tilted his head towards his injured arm, I looked at the bloody bite. His skin around the bite was turning a rotten green, and it looked like it was cracking?. I gasped, and looked him in his stunning eyes. He was crying. I held out my arms, and he collapsed in tears.
"Shh, it'll all be alright.." I comforted, holding him dearly. I was lying.

"We need to leave, you know that.." I felt him nod against my chest. "I just need to figure out where.."

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