Ch.12 Discussions

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Back to Tommy POV

I saw Mark limp out of the hallway, Wilbur was with him. I only now realized Mark hadn't been eating with us either. Wilbur looked eager to tell us something, Mark looked calm, yet walking was clearly causing him discomfort. They both sat down. Wilbur opened his mouth, and began to break the awkward silence that was left.

"What if the zombies are results of egregors?" he spoke quickly.

"But that doesn't work out, egregors' are plants. And though I see where you're coming from, I doubt plants have toxins strong enough to cause this kind of pandemic," Phil said calmly, he was visibly tired.

"That's where you're wrong, Phil. Egregors' aren't like, originally from earth, they're otherworldly. So the chance of them having the toxins enough to cause this is likely,"

"I see my lessons finally came to use," Kristin said sarcastically and laughed. I chuckled at her words, I was happy..

"This is what you're good at, Wilbur, and I'm proud of you!" Phil admitted

"That means we can finally find a cure for Mark right?!" I exclaimed in joy.

"Well, yes and no. Getting a hold of the plant will definitely not give us a cure. But maybe someone else that's otherworldly would know," Wilbur corrected.

I bet we all thought the same.. Alex.. I need to tell them about my dream. If things go to shit I don't want it to be my fault.

"I had a dream with Alex a couple of nights ago.." I hastily blurred out. They all stopped talking with each other and glared at me. I wondered if I should continue, but I saw on Wilbur's face that I should.

"I was in a field, and he stood there. I wanted to hug him, but I fell right through his body. He said a riddle of some sort, something about a god that's blind, I don't know!. I'm sorry.. I didn't want to tell you in case it wasn't real.."

"Oh, Tommy.." Niki leaned against me, grabbing her arms around me into a light hug. I saw Wilbur was uncomfortable, Phil as well. I felt bad.

"Well, I have some people I need to talk to. I'll be leaving you now," Phil said and walked to his room.

"I'm going to get Mark's medicine," Niki said gently, in a quiet tone. As she left the room alongside Phil. Difference is that she came back.

I didn't know what to do, how to react, or how to feel. Had I messed up or done the right thing? I didn't know the truth anymore. What would Toby do?.

"Can you tell me what Alex said, word for word. I'm not that bad at riddles," Eret looked at me and said.

"'The god that will search, the god will find. Even if that god happened to be blind'," I heard Eret moan in frustration.

"No god is visually impaired, at least that I know of. Could it be a metaphor?" he hesitated, and we began spitballing ideas. The mood got quite tolerable! We got to make jokes, we made snacks, and the older folks even took some drinks.  I even saw Mark let out a few laughs. It made me feel better, the demons in my mind were calm.

We got many ideas, but we had also made the choice. The choice that sounded logical, the choice that fit best with the riddle. The god of nature, George. He is very colourblind, and we assumed that's what the riddle meant. We knew where to go, because him and Phil were old acquaintances. He lived in a temple-like-building, not that far from here actually. But it was getting late at this point.

So what did we do? We partied of course! We hadn't had this much fun in what felt like forever. We had music, drinks, and snacks. We danced to the beat, playing games till we no longer saw the sun. We put on acting competitions, which Eret and Wilbur shared the victory of. We played rounds of jackbox, and board games. Mark won most of those, alongside Kristin. We shared moments of laughter, tears, pure confusion, and joy. We told stories, pulled dad jokes, played song association games, and had incredible fun!

We laughed all evening, until it was time to go to bed. The night could be the scariest thing, but I only saw calm. The night had this weird way of making the moon seem like perfect company.

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