Ch.6 The attack

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I peacefully woke up in the warmth of Mark's body, his breathing was not evenly spread out, so I assumed he was awake.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I blurted out, as I sat myself up.

"It's no problem, Tom" he said so comforting, his deep and calm voice soothing my ears and relieving any and all stress. I felt as if I could fall right back asleep, and sleep like a baby.

However it was rudely interrupted with Toby opening the trapdoor upstairs screaming;
"There are zombies breaking in, get off your asses and come help me!!"

What.. how would zombies be able to break in, everything is locked and/or barricaded! I need to keep them safe..

Me and Toby looked at each other, then quickly got up to climb downstairs. As we got down, we saw windows were broken, multiple of them, windows I knew had been barricaded shut! Toby was pushing heavy objects such as sofa chairs, smaller desks and tables to block the window, but it didn't do much. They were crawling in, the stench just getting worse and worse.

I ran towards the kitchen and got two knives, one for Mark as well. I carefully gave it to him, and stanced myself, ready for a hell of a fight. I saw Toby couldn't hold it anymore, and I gestured to him, that he could let go. And so he did.

The fight began. About 20 zombies flooded in through the broken windows and marched towards us.

Though they walked slowly, the seconds went by quickly. They were soon circling around us. I stood in a position of attacking, and lunged at them, quickly stabbing many. Mark followed my lead, and Toby fought the ones behind. We thought we were doing well, but more zombies just kept flooding in! We hit, we kicked, we stabbed. We threw vases, chairs, glasses and cups. Our living area was practically destroyed! Blood oozed out of the zombies laying lifeless on the ground, forming pools underneath them.
"I have an idea!" Toby yelled through the wreckage

"Yeah, what's that?!" I replied, trying to not let it distract me from the fighting.

"Mark, they're all on you! Open the front door and let them chase you out, then run back to close the door!" he continued.

"I'm not that dumb, Toby. Do it yourself!" Mark began, he sounded frustrated.

"Come on, that's so selfish of you! Just do it, please..!" Toby's voice sounded so sincere, yet I felt something was off..

"Oh my god, Toby, fine!" he growled. He got rid of the zombies that were in his way, he gathered the attention of almost every zombie in the house. Then he ran for door. With a hoard of undead monsters chasing him, he opened the front door and led them all outside. With a safe distance, I saw from inside the house.

But Toby began walking, is he walking towards the door or the window behind it? He's walking to the door isn't he, why is he walking towards the door!?


The door was shut. The door was locked. The windows were once more barricaded shut, with Mark still outside. I managed to glimpse the panic in his body language. I was panicking myself.

"Toby what the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled angrily at him, running towards the door to try and unlock it. My hands were sweaty and it was hard to grasp the inside lock. I managed to see from the fuzzy door window, Mark sprinting towards the house. I both heard and felt him bang on the door, his voice was breaking. Darker humanoid shadows began forming around him. I heard a scream. Blood smeared on the window. Once I finally unlocked the door, I only saw Mark laying still on the ground, with bites on his arms and legs. He was passed out.

My breathing got heavy as I stared at my friend, my eyes teared up. I wanted to scream, a scream so loud my father would hear it. A scream of pain, sad, panic and fear. But also a scream of anger and disappointment. I glanced at Toby, and he got to see what he had done. He didn't seem to care in the slightest, it disgusted me.

Holding in tears, I picked him up and carried him upstairs. He wasn't as heavy as I thought he'd be, given his height. I sat myself down on my knees, and laid him in front of me. I did my best at bandaging up his bleeding injuries, wasn't the prettiest however. I heard Toby attempting to clean, but he quickly came up as well. I didn't look at him, I just kept him away.

I failed.. The one thing I wanted to do most, and I failed. If I can't protect one man, how am I supposed to save the world?.. I need to try harder. It's never been enough, so I need to go bigger, faster, stronger. Anything, for Mark. Anything..

"Wake up, buddy.. please.."

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