Ch.9 Friends?

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I felt myself in a field, however it was as empty as a field could get. The tall grass surrounding my legs, lightly tickled my skin through my jeans. I felt numb, like it wasn't real. I felt a panic arise in my soul, yet my body was too exhausted to respond. I began walking around, however against my will. Trees began surrounding me, trees of oak.

Seeing a silhouette of a man in the distance, I thought I knew who it was. As I got closer, I began to recognise the crown placed on his head.
"Who's there?..!" I stuttered, walking closer. I was scared of who it might be, being ever so disappointed if I was wrong. But I wasn't.
I could imagine my eyes lighting up, as the face of Alex was finally recognisable.

I sprinted towards him, and this time, it was my choice. I ran and ran, jumping at him with my arms open, awaiting one of his hugs. But I just fell. I felt grass in my face, and I quickly sat myself up, staring at the man in front of me. He.. was hollow.. I could see right through him!.

The realisation finally came. Alex, is dead. I'm dreaming, aren't I? I felt my hands fading, and my existence feeling less and less real.

"The god that will search, the god that will find. Even if that god happened to be blind." I heard him mumble, right as I felt my consciousness slip away..

I woke up, sweating yet freezing. I sat up in a panic, looking around in confusion. I saw Niki kneeling down next to me, putting a hand on my back. I was unsure why. Mark sat on the other side, leaning on the cave's walls. He had a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright, Tommy? You're very pale," Niki asked in a calm matter. My breathing was fast, and I couldn't get a satisfying breath. I felt tears coming, but I hid it. I didn't want to cry, we had cried to much these past days.

"Did you have a nightmare? Mark found you shaking and pale when he woke up.." Niki continued, she tilted her head and took her hand off my back.

"I.. don't know.." I shrugged, I was confused and tired, sad and angry. "Can we just, let this go, for now?."

Niki subtly nodded, Mark didn't have much to say. We ate a small breakfast, packed our things and began to walk again. Mark continued to stubbornly walk beside us, although he was visibly limping. We walked over hill, over dale, through the valley, and vale. Through the depths of a dark forest, to the light and bright atmosphere of the fields.

I still couldn't stop thinking about Alex, was it real, was it a dream? I couldn't tell anymore! But what could he have meant if it was real? I didn't know. The death of my brother hit hard on everyone, so I didn't want to bring him up just to find out it wasn't real.

I zoned out whilst walking. I wanted the warm hugs from Phil, and the wise words from Wilbur. But what I missed most, was the nonstop rambling from Toby. I felt terrible about that argument, and where did he go? Would he be mad at me forever? The thoughts raced through my mind, one after the other, they came and disappeared. Nothing lasts forever, I knew that. So maybe our friendship has reached its end. No, no no. I wouldn't let that happen. I'm not giving up on him, I'm not giving up on myself. I'll miss him too much, I'll miss his presence, his ranting, his weird facts, his obsession with space and rockets. I wouldn't last long knowing I'll never hear it again.

Wind slapped my face, as I snapped out of my thoughts. I vaguely looked around and saw we gotten far, how much time had passed by?

"Helloo?? Earth to Tommy!?" I heard a voice say. It was deep, and manly, but it wasn't from Mark. I looked at the person. I recognised him. I searched through my memories to realise who it was. "I'm sorry, Eret, was it?"

"How dare you not remember me?" he said sarcastically, his accent was interesting. It was British, but influenced by America, as he's lived there for years.

"Guess you're not important enough," I replied, matching his tone. We both began laughing moments after, Niki and Mark were giggling in the background. Eret began walking with us. We tried to always be moving, so we got to our destination in time.

"How come you're here, in the middle of nowhere, in England?"

"I was visiting my family, then this shit came along. The rest is quite private though." Eret replied. His tone was joyful, and his long hair bounced along as we walked.

"We're going to my father's house, come along if you want to."

"Alright, I'll do so, thank you"

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