twenty nine | back to square one

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A week later

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A week later...

Tremaine sat in the conference room with a client of his discussing the incident he had with David a few weeks ago. Stressing immensely he sat watching the video that the client was sent anonymous on the screen. Sighing he lifted the remote to turn the screen off.

"Mrs. Sinclair I'd like to apologize, I can admit that I did come out of character that night, but I can assure you --"

She interrupted holding her hand up to have the floor. "---That's not a good look for me, or you Mr. Maverick. If I'm being frank here? I'm running a million dollar company and you're apart of thee team that represents my brand, my name, me, of course. Though you are a viable person and asset?" She stalled as she toyed with the string of pearls around her neck.

She continues. "My lawyer thinks this incident is going to be a bad look for me. And they think it's best if I cancel our contract and go with someone else," She finished up rather saddened to break the news to him.

"Mrs. Sinclair," Tremaine laughed shocked. "That won't be necessary, I can assure you that nothing like this will ever happen again. Again I do apologize for you finding out like this, but---"

There was light knocking at the door. Stevie opened the door peeking in. "I'm so sorry to interrupt, Mr. Maverick? But you have a call from the governor he says it's urgent,"

Tremaine nodded his head. "Of course, Mrs. Sinclair if you'll just give me a minute? Please I can fix all of this, just give me a moment," He stood from his chair and headed for the door to exit out of the conference room.

"Make it quick I don't have all day, Mr. Maverick,"

"Yes ma'am," With that he moved passed Stevie heading in the direction of his office.

"What's wrong she doesn't look happy," Stevie asked as she trailed behind him towards his office.

Standoffish he replied. "Nothing don't worry about it," He entered his office, heading over to take a seat and pick up his phone. "Tremaine speaking, governor how's it going?"

Stevie stood there with her arms crossed at her breasts as she watched Tremaine engage in his phone call, and, judging from his uneasy, nervous body language. It wasn't a great call at all. "What's going on Tremaine?" She asked in a whisper.

Smacking his lips he looked up at her. Fanning his hand to dismiss her. "Yes sir I understand, I'm so sorry you had to find out that way. But it was truly all a misunderstanding. I never meant to ruin your event, sir,"

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