"Daughters of Artemis"

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Hyunjin's pov

"Artemis, our huntress of the moon, make my aim true. Give me goals to seek and constant termination to achieve them

Grants me communion with nature, allow me to live surrounded by plants and animals that I can grow, protect and nurture

Allow me your strength and wisdom to be my own mistress, not defined of expectations of others

And sustain my sensuality to be as yours, wild and free as nature itself

Dear Artemis, goddess of hunt please guide me on my path to become one  with the wild and nature

I give you this offer

The arrow which I killed that hunter who killed a poor wolf" I said

I placed the arrow in front of Artemis statue

I got on my knees and bowed for her

"May the Goddess of the hunt, moon, young woman, childbirth, virginity, animals guide me" I prayed

I got back up and walked away from the statue

"Lyria, come we go back to camp" I said to my wolf Lyria

Lyria barked and she came to me

I patted her

"Good girl" I praised her

But suddenly Lyria turned her head away

"What's wrong?" I asked her

She barked and suddenly ran away

"Lyria! Where are you going!" I shouted and I grabbed my bow and I followed her

"Lyria! Come back here" I said while I followed my wolf deep in the woods but then I suddenly tripped over tree root and made fall for over

"Damn it" I thought

I got fast up and I followed lyria

After a while, I found Lyria she was standing by a few bushes

"What's wrong, girl" I said and she went through the bushes

"I tamed a weird wolf" I thought and I went through it

I saw a wounded doe on the ground
I placed my hand over my mouth

"By the gods" I thought and I went to the doe

I got on my knees and I gently stroked the doe

"Who did this to you" I thought and I looked to the wound

The doe was hit in leg and there was a arrow in it

I looked to the doe and she was hurt

I pulled out my knife and I looked last time to the doe and she closed it eyes

"I'm so sorry" I whispered and closed my eyes

"May the Goddess guides you" I thought

I stabbed the doe and with last noise

I sighed and opened my eyes

"It's dead" I thought and I looked to it

I pulled out the knife and it was covered in blood and I also pulled out the arrow

Lyria sniffled the arrow and she looked away

I looked to same way as her and I saw smoke coming from a far

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