"siren 3"

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Make sure to read part 1 and part 2 first!😊


Chan's pov

"Oh my God, Chan what happened to you?" Anne asked when she saw my arm

"I got  accident" I said

"Let's go to above to my house" she said and lead me to upstairs

When we came inside her house

"Go sit, I'm going to get a aid kit" she said

I nodded and I sat down on the couch

Her house was actually really cute and she lives above her shop

She came back with aid kit and sat down besides me

"Let me see your arm" she said and I showed her my arm

The scratch looked really painful

"How did this happen?" She asked

"Just a accident" I said

"What kind of accident?" She asked and she sprayed my arm

I groaned

"Sorry it stings a bit" She said

"I had a accident with the siren" I mumbled

"Sorry" She said

"I had a accident with the siren" I said

"Did he attack you?" She asked

"Yes" I said

"He sang a beautiful song but he stopped... I asked him to continue so he sang that song before I could know I was in the water"

Her eyes widened and the expression of her face doesn't look good

"Chan, what did I told you, this is really bad"

"What could I do? Don't you know how hard it to resist it when someone sang really beautiful almost hypnotizing" I said

She sighed

"Can you explain he sang to me?" I asked

"The siren song has different meanings: great love to someone, but others could be dangerous" she explained

"Mythologists called it euphemism for obsession" she said


"What was that?" I thought and I looked around


"Chan, are you listening to me?" Anne suddenly asked

I snapped out the trance

"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked

"I need to open my shop soon and you stay here and take some rest" she said

I nodded

"Make yourself home" she smiled and she left her house

Aahh ahhh~

Again? Where does it come from? Outside?

I went to the window

Aahh aahh~

Is it calling me?

I opened the window and it wasn't luckily high enough so I climbed out the window and climbed down

When I came on the ground, I followed the voice

Few minutes later

I followed the sound into the woods and it was suddenly getting misty

But Something is pulling me, tt's so magnetic. My body is moving unsure where I'm headed. All of my senses have left me defenseless

I came by a open place by a lake

Aahh ah aahh~

The sound? I looked to direction and saw a silhouette of a person walking but it was a bit misty to see who it was

But when the mist got a bit away I saw

A tall, blonde, handsome boy standing with blue eyes and he was singing

Aahh ah aahh~

He walked to closer to me with grin


Okay Sorry this one could be better but I hope you still liked it😊

Sorry for mistakes

By the way should I make a separate book for this one? Let me know!!

- Hyunchan oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now