Me and the devil

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Hyunjin's pov

"You look stunning, my prince," the maids said as they were braiding my hair, helping me with my clothes on

I was currently getting for a wedding, mine wedding to be excatly because today I will be married to King Bang chan, the king of empiria and he has the nickname "the cruel"

"You're so lucky to become his husband, I wish I could be his," one maid said, and I quietly sighed

"If they only knew," I thought, and I looked up, trying not to cry and keep the control

I folded with my fingers and in myself, praying for good luck

"You're almost done, my prince. You only have to wear this," the maids smiled and showed me a flower crown of nightshade and other poisonous flowers

I closed my eyes when they put on my head, and they were done. I opened my eyes, and I looked at myself in the mirror

"Doesn't he look beautiful?" one of the maids said, and the other maids nodded

"Come on, girls, it's time," one said, and I sighed

After minutes

I stood in front of two large doors, and the maids who were helping stood behind me. The younger maids were quietly giggling, but soon the large doors got opened, and music started playing

I gulped, and I started walking. My maids were following me

I saw a lot of people, many noblemen and noble women, kings and queens, prince's and princesses were looking at me

I saw my own family sitting at the front, my mother and father

I actually never wanted to marry him, that cruel man, but my parents insisted on marrying him, and they supported me to go for it, but I still don't want to

And there is no going back, or I quickly had to run, but I was almost the alter and seeing him standing there with his man

Bang Christopher Chan, the cruel king of empiria

I stood beside him, and the priest started to talk, and I tried to focus on him, but someone kept staring at me, and it was him

He was checking me out from the top to the bottom with a grin

"Bang Christopher Chan, do you take this man to be your husband, to live
together in matrimony, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked chan, and a small grin was forming on his lips

"I do,"

Then the priest looked at me

"Hwang Hyunjin, do you take this man to be your husband, to live
together in matrimony, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked me now


"You better say 'I do' or else you know what's going to happen to your family," suddenly chan whispered in my ear

"I don't want to marry this man, but I also want my family safe," I thought, and I slightly looked back, and I saw my parents smiling, especially my mother

"I do it for her, for them," I thought

"I do," I said

"Good boy," chan whispered

"Then you may kiss the groom," the priest said as he looked to chan

We turned to each other and chan leaned to closing the gap between us and he kissed me

The kiss was short, but..


He pulled away, and he smiled

Everyone started to yell, cheer for us, and I looked at my parents. My mother was crying of the happiness

Chan grabbed my hand, And we walked side by side to the balcony

Me and the devil walking side by side

When we arrived at the balcony, everyone of Kingdom cheered and yelled for us

"Long live the new royal couple!" They shouted it thre times

And this was only the beginning


Forced marriage 😬

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