my prada daddy

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Hyunjin's pov

"Do you like it?" Chan asked and looked to me while I was staring at a bracelet

"Yeah it's pretty but-" "Great! Let me buy it for you" He said and called for the store worker

"But Chan, I don't-" "No you're getting it from me as a gift" He smiled and a store worker came to help

"How can I help you sir?" The store worker asked

"I would like to have this bracelet for my boyfriend" He said and he pointed to the bracelet

"Great choice" The store worker smiled and got the bracelet

"Does he want to try it on?" They asked
"No he doesn't" Chan said quickly

"Okay, this way please to the cashier" they said and we walked behind the store worker

I sighed, again a new bracelet and I already have more than 30 bracelets

Having a sugar daddy was first a joke for me but let's the joke became serious. I signed myself up on some sugar daddy said called 'sugar' and when I created my account I got a message for him, Chan

He is 26 years old and not old for a sugar daddy, call me stereotypical but I see sugar daddies as older men's lets say above the 50

And not gonna lie he is fine, I mean fine of the finest man alive

(For real I mean

He's 🌌perfect🌌 if I can't get a man like him, I will bang my head against the wall till my eyes aren't on the same place anymore

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He's 🌌perfect🌌 if I can't get a man like him, I will bang my head against the wall till my eyes aren't on the same place anymore.. let's moving on)

Where did I stop? Oh yes he's the finest man alive

Chan paid for the bracelet like all those other 30 bracelets, expensive clothing brands like Prada, Louis vituin , Fendi and other expensive brands

All what I have to do is, just spending time with him like watching movies, eating outdoors, going on vacation, going to theme parks

We walked around the store and Chan carried the most of my bags, some people gave us stares and by some of them I felt a bit uncomfortable

Chan puts a arm around my waist and kissed my head



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