I fell in love with my abuser

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Stockholm syndrome, mention of abusing, mention of kidnapping, mention of "false" abusing accusations, mention of "false"kidnapping accusations

Stockholm syndrome is syndrome that the victim develops sympathy for the perpetrator. Something that you will not expect soon, especially when it comes to a violent and traumatic situation. Nevertheless, it sometimes happens that a victim develops a positive bond with the person who does something to him or her. And that he or she is even inclined to voluntarily help or meet the perpetrator. This syndrome comes most time in hostage taking, abusive relationships, kidnapping


Hyunjin's pov

"Come on Hyunjin, why are you still defending him? He is your abuser" My mother said

My mother and I were at trial today against my abuser

Bang Christopher Chan or short way Chan or how I call him Channie
I was kidnapped, abusing me verbal and non verbal for sixth days  by this man but something weird changed

My abuser was actually caring for me like giving me shelter, food even entertainment and after the third day something weird changed, some weird feeling was there


"Because he's a abuser, mom doesn't mean he is a bad person" I said

My mom sighed

Then the trial started

After a few hours

Chan wasn't found guilty there weren't any proves him being abusive  or the kidnapping so he didn't have to the prison but they said that kept an eye of him

My mom and I left the courthouse and I saw in corner of the building him standing, smiling

I stopped walking and I turned my head to him and smiled

He did some 'come here' movement with his fingers

"Mom?" I asked my mother

"Yes honey" she smiled

"Can I go to park you know to get some fresh air?" I asked her

"Ofcourse but be home around dinner time, okay?" She said

"Ofcourse, thanks" I smiled and my mom smiled back

As soon my mom walked away, I ran to Chan and basically jumped into his arms

He held me in tight hug

"Baby, I missed you~" He said and kissed my cheek

"I missed you too" I smiled

"I thought I lost you but I think I found my guardian angel" He said and put me down

"Who?" I asked

"You" He whispered against my lips

It's true, I lied for him and defended him so he didn't have to go to the prison because I love him

He kissed my lips and I kissed him, I missed him so much

He pulled away and connected our heads

"I can't live without you" He said

"Me neither, I wanna be with you forever" I said and gripped on his upper arm

"Let's runaway together, to another country start new life" He suggested

First I hesitated a bit because I had leave everything my family, friends and other things but

I nodded

"Yes, let's do that" I said and he bright smiled. He took my hand and we started to run away to wherever we are going

Time skip ten years later

"Wow what a pretty drawing, Luna" I said as I sat with my daughter, Luna by the kitchen table

"Mine then daddy?" Joan, my other daughter asked and she showed her drawing too

"That's really pretty, princess" I smiled

A lot happened these years

Chan and I went to live in other country, Australia to start a new life, under different identities, we changed our names to Chris and Sam.  We renovated a old barn and Chan- I mean Chris got a job at the local police and I worked as freelance painter and also a housedad

I took care of our house, the kids and our animals. We have one dog, a Australian shepherd Bea and we got a few sheeps

We also got married and we adopted two girls

Luna of sixth and Joan of four abd they are our universe

Suddenly the front door got opened and I saw my husband entering the house

"Daddy!" The both girls said and got of their chairs and ran to Chris

"Luna, Joan" He brightly smiled and picked them both up and kissed their foreheads

"Joan and I were drawing with daddy" Luna said

"Oh really? Well your father is a amazing artist" He said and looked at me

I smiled and I got of my chair and I walked. Chris put the girls down

"show me your drawings?" He asked and the girls nodded and Chris came closer to me

"Hey pretty, how was your day?" He whispered and kissed my cheek

"My day was good and now even better because your home" I whispered

The girl came back with their drawing and Chris got down on their level

"Wow, so pretty" He said and saw both of the drawings

I smiled at them

"My family is complete" I thought

Chris picked the girls up, giggling

This is my story how I fell in love with my abuser


Maybe a bit controversial.. maybe i'm going to delete it one

Abusing is not okay! And speak to someone who trust if you are in this situation, look for help

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