Chapter 13 Calum's P.O.V

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"So what do ya need to discuss with me Ash" I ask as he leads me over to the car.

"First sit" he says opening the door to the backseats.

"Alright" I say getting in and get in after me.

"Okay first I don't think Luke and Michael are gonna get along. Have you seen the looks Michael gives Luke. Luke's scared out of his skin but he isn't gonna say anything I know it and you know it aswell. By looking at Luke you know that if he has a problem he won't say anything" Ashton says frowning.

"First talk slower and second Ash chill it'll be fine. It won't be out of control. We're here to stop Mike from doing something crazy" I say looking at him biting my lip.

"I know Cal you said that before aswell but I'm worried for Luke. okay? He seems really nervous and such a cute innocent guy. I don't want anything to happen to him" he says.

I bite my lip harder. He was talking about Luke like they are boyfriends or something but they aren't. Could that mean Ashton likes Luke. Oh fuck no that ain't happening.

"Um Ash...." I trail off but was about to speak again when Ashton frowns and his face turns to worry.

He gets out of car quickly and I follow seeing Luke sitting on the steps of Nando's and he looked like he was crying and shaking.

Ashton runs over to him and sits beside him and hugs him quickly and I hug him aswell.

"Lukey what's happened" I ask worried.

"N-nothing I just got a memory of my mum and just w-wanted to cry" he stammers out wiping away tears.

Ashton frowns "You aren't lying right??" He asks and looks at me and then at Luke "Mike didn't say anything right??" He asks slowly.

"No he didn't say anythin I promise it was just a stupid memory so can we go now" Luke asks and Ashton nods saying "I'll go get Mike Cal you stay with Luke" he says walking inside and I hug Luke.

"Luke truthfully did Mike say anything to you" I ask softly.

Luke looks down and nods slowly.

"Luke what did he say tell me now so I can beat the shit out of him" I say getting up.

"Calum don't. I'm fine he just called me a freak and stuff and then I got a memory of my mom that's why I'm crying the freak thing doesn't affect me if that's his nickname for me that's cool" Luke says with a small.

I frown "alright I guess" I say.

"Okay guys lets hit the road" I hear Ashton say and look at him walking up to us with Michael.

Luke nods getting up and walking to the car and Michael made his way to the car aswell.

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