Another 12 hour shift

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Y/N's POV:

My alarm goes off obnoxiously loud. It's 6am and I have to be at the hospital by 7:30 to start my shift. As much as I don't want to, I get up and hop in the shower. Coffee is a must, so after showering I brew myself a cup and grab a banana to eat on the way. The good thing about working in a hospital is it doesn't take much time to get ready. I throw on a pair of black scrubs, put my hair in a messy bun and put on a pair of  tennis shoes. Simple enough. I head out the door and get in my car, turning on my daily mix Spotify playlist. To work I go. It's just another day working in the ER. I have been working here for a couple years now, so I am pretty used to the flow of everything. Triaging is just second nature by now. Between car accidents, sports injuries, and paranoid patients, I have seen everything. (Or so I thought.)

A few songs in on the drive to work "Coast" by Hailee Steinfeld starts to play. It's one of my all time favorite songs now. The vibes are amazing and automatically just puts me in a better mood every time you listen to it. Not to mention Hailee Steinfeld is my biggest celebrity crush of all time. I have always had a thing for brunettes. But Hailee is different. She is a literal goddess. Everything about her is pure perfection. Her hazel eyes, brown hair, beautiful smile, toned body, and personality that could melt anyones heart. I get caught up in the moment thinking about her and before I know it you I am pulling into the parking garage at the hospital. I can't help but wish I could meet her someday, let alone get a chance to date her. But, oh well. She has no idea I exist so just need to get over it. Let's get this day over with.

I get report from the night shift nurse and she gives me the rundown on everything I need to know for the day. Honestly, today has been pretty  uneventful. The most interesting thing going on is that one of my patients is being checked out for a sprained ankle. I just discharged my patient who had some nausea and vomiting from a stomach bug. Not sure why they came to the ER for that but whatever. So, that's means the next patient that comes in will be mine. A few minutes later I am notified by the front desk that there is a 25 year old female being checked in for cranial laceration (cut on the head). Finally something interesting. I go to the ER lobby to get the patient like I always do. However, the patient is no where to be found. I ask where the patient is as I walk up to the front desk. Apparently the patient requested to be seated in a different room while she waited. Seems a bit dramatic but okay. I pick up the iPad and pull up the chart so I can call the patients name once I get to the room. Wait. There is no way. I read the name as my jaw drops to the floor. Hailee Steinfeld. There is no way it's her. Has to be a mistake. Or maybe there is another Hailee Steinfeld. Who knows, right? I walk up to the room after composing myself convinced that I am not about to take care of my dream girl as a patient. That's when it happens. My eyes immediately lock with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. It's takes everything in me finally get the words out as I call "Hailee Steinfeld"... she stands and makes her way to me along with another woman who I am assuming is her mother. I almost completely black out when I hear the words "Hi, I'm Hailee."

What is my life right now....?

Author's Note:
I am so excited about this story and can't wait for you all to read it. It's going to be a roller coaster of emotions. Will we be friends, will we never see each other again, or will we fall in love? Anything is possible. Stay tuned my loves 😉

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