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Hailee's POV:

As soon as I get in my car and shut the door chills spread all over my body. You just kissed her. Where did that come from!? You've never been that bold before. As impulsive as that may have been, I don't regret it one bit.

Wow. All I can think about now is how badly I want to kiss her again. I could definitely get used to that.

I decide after I few minutes that I better get going. I've been sitting in my car for way too long and I don't want anyone to see me. That's the last thing I need.

I turn my car off and pull out onto the road. Today is not a super busy day but I do have a few things I need to get taken care of. And I now also have a date to plan.

Then the nerves hit me. I have to plan a date. Not just any date. A date with y/n. What if she hates it? What if she decides she doesn't like me?

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I here a ding from my phone. Luckily I'm at a red light so I look down to see who it is. My face immediately turns into the dorkiest grin when I see y/n's name pop up.

Y/N: thanks for having breakfast with me this morning. Can't wait for our first date on Saturday :)

First date? As in there is gonna be more than one? That's a good sign right? I just need to calm down. There is nothing to worry about. She like you. You like her. Everything will work out.

I decide to wait to respond until I get home. I'm only 5 more minutes away. I pull into my driveway and start typing my response

Hailee: I honestly still have butterflies from earlier. I can't wait, either. See you then :)

Short, sweet, and to the point.

Okay now let's get some work done so I can't start planning the perfect date for my perfect girl.

Did I just say MY girl? She's not yours, Hailee. Not yet anyway...

I decide to get down to business. I go through all my emails, have a couple meetings, and read over a script for a possible upcoming movie that I am considering.

That's the thing about this business. You have to read a lot of scripts. But I love what I do and would not change it for the world.

Once I finish up it's a little after lunch. I realize I haven't eaten anything since this morning and decide to make something for myself real quick. Nothing special just a sandwich and some fruit.

About that time I get another text from y/n which makes my face light up.

Y/N: sorry to keep bothering you but is there anything specific I need to wear or bring for our date?

She is the cutest human being alive I am convinced of that.

Hailee: just wear whatever you'd like! comfy casual is the vibe! I'm sure you'll look amazing anyway :)

Y/N: stop, you're making me blush at work haha

Hailee: haha okay, I will stop... for now ;)

With that I decide to dedicate the rest of my day planning the most perfect date. From location, activities, food, snacks, topics just in case we get nervous and there is awkward silence to fill. I have everything planned out. I just hope everything goes smoothly...

Before I know it time flies! I have been busy with work, my music, and planning this perfect date for a perfect girl. Y/n and I have been messaging everyday. Nothing crazy but we have been flirting a lot. But I'm not complaining at all.

Today is the day. I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about this day since I first met y/n. She is so enchanting. Her eyes, her smile, the way she carries herself. Everything about her is perfect. I knew after that day at the hospital I wanted to get to know her and not just as a friend. I don't know, something just clicked and I can't explain it.

I message y/n and let her know I'm on my way to pick her up. She insisted on meeting me but I refused. I'm doing this right. I want to do everything right with her and for her. She deserves it.

I pull in the driveway of the address she texted me. I'm so nervous that I'm shaking. Butterflies are all in my stomach. I get out of the car and walk to the front door. Before I can even knock y/n opens the door with that breathtaking smile of her's.

I can't believe this girl agreed to go on a date with me.

Without thought, she wraps her arms around me in the tightest yet most tender hug I've ever felt. She pulls back for a moment only to tuck a piece of my hair that has fallen in front of my face behind my ear. She smiles for a second and then her lips meet mine with a soft and sweet passion.

Breaking apart she says "hello, beautiful"

"Hello to you, too" I say back with a smile and flushed cheeks.

"I'm sorry for that, I just couldn't wait any longer. That's all I've been thinking about for that past few days. I couldn't wait to see you again." She says.

I kiss her again and then say "no complaints here, beautiful."

She smiles and now her cheeks are the ones that are flushed with pink.

"Ready for our first date?" I ask

"I don't think I can wait any longer, where are we going?" She asks

"That my dear, is a surprise. You'll just have to wait and see..."

"I'll go anywhere as long as I'm with you." She says with sincerity

And with that we get in the car and head off to our first destination of the evening...

Author's Note:
I am so sorry for the wait. Personal life got in the way. I hope you all enjoyed. I will be trying to post more consistently. Who is excited to see what the first date Hailee has planned holds? Stay tuned my loves...😉

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