Wait, What?

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Y/N's POV:

I walk out of the room and immediately regret what I just said. I didn't even give Hailee a chance to respond, nor did I look at her to see her facial expression. Geez, y/n. What did you say that you're such an idiot. Was she flirting with me? Does she like me? No, no. You're in your head. There is no way THE Hailee Steinfeld was flirting with you. Or was she? Either way you just blew it because you just just about the dumbest thing in the world. Just go check on your other patients and forget about it. She may not have even heard you.

Hailee's POV:

It's been a few minutes since y/n left the room and my jaw is still on the ground. Holy f*ck! That was the hottest thing I have ever heard. Did she mean it the way I think she meant it? Was she flirting with me? Does she even like girls? My mom walks in a few seconds later and apparently notices my mouth is still wide open from what I just heard.

Cheri: what's the matter with you?

Hailee: nothin, I'm good

Cheri: are you gonna lie to me or tell me what happened? Is there something wrong? Has the doctor been in yet?

Hailee: no, mom. Everything is fine. The doctor hasn't been in yet. Y/N just came in to check on me that's all.

Cheri: Oh, I see...

Hailee: What is that supposed to mean?

Cheri: Well, she is very cute... (she says with a smirk)

Hailee: It's not like that mom.

Cheri: if you say so...

A few minutes later the doctor comes in and after doing an X-ray on my head making sure I didn't crack my skull, she decides that I do in fact need a few stitches.

Doctor: I will be back in just a few minutes with your nurse so she can assist me.

Hailee: my nurse?

Doctor: yes, is there a problem?

Hailee: No, I just...Uh, what exactly is she... what is she gonna do?

Doctor: just help me with the suture kit, hand me stuff, she can even hold your hand if you need her too (she says with a laugh)

Cheri: that sounds perfect

I could honestly kill my mother right now.

Doctor: alright, well I will be back in a few with y/n.

Y/N's POV:

I just finished rounding when I run into one of our ER doctors. She said she just got done assessing Hailee and needs my help suturing the laceration on her head. I agree and start heading that way. I can't help but be a little nervous considering how our last conversation ended. But I am a professional and am here to do my job. We get to the room and Hailee's mother excuses herself so she is not "in our way". Now it's just me, Hailee, and the doctor. I get the suture kit out and lay everything out for the doctor like I always do. I step on the opposing side of the bed that way I am not in her way but can still assist her when needed. I hand her what she needs as asked. That's when I feel it. Hailee grabs my hand. I'm a little take aback because I was not expecting her to do that. But I don't show her that it phases me other than looking down and smiling at her. She returns the smile and then closes her eyes. I squeeze her hand the let her know everything is alright and that I am right here. It's not weird. I would do this for any patient.

But she is not just any patient. She is Hailee Steinfeld. But you can't date a patient that's unprofessional. There has to be some kind of rule against that right? Besides, there is no way Hailee feels the same way. She doesn't wanna date you.

We finished with the stitches and the doctor steps out given that her work is done. I stay back to clean the mess per usual. I feel Hailee's eyes on me but I have yet to look up and acknowledge them. That's when she says...
"Thank you."
"For what?"I say. "For holding my hand like the little baby I am" she says. I laugh and then say "I will hold your hand anytime you need me to."
"Really?" She says with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Yeah, I hold my patients hands all the time, it's no big deal" I say. "Oh" she says and I can feel her demeanor shift. It's silent for a few moments because I honestly don't know what to say. "Well, I think once I get your discharge papers done you are good to go. So, I will get to working on em for ya." I say. "Okay... yeah.. um thanks." she says.

I step out of the room pausing just a moment before walking away. I want to say. I want to see her again. I want so much more but I don't know could ever happen. I decide to let it go and start to walk away when I hear....

"Y/N, don't go"

I sigh with relief and turn around to walk back in the room....

Author's Note:
What does Hailee want? A cup of ice water? Or a hand to hold forever? Stay tuned to find out. Until next time my loves 😉

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