Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming

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Hailee's POV:

I just got back from the studio. Adding a few finishing touches to my album that I am so excited to release. Coast has been a hit, so I can't wait to see what everyone thinks about the rest of the album. They are in for a treat!

I don't really have much planned for the rest of the day. Just answering some emails and may pop in on an online coast streaming party or two. I love doing that. The steinfam is hilarious and they are so supportive. Any chance I can have to make them smile, I try to take.

After tons of emails. And a couple Coast streaming parties, I decide it is about time to start prepping for dinner. It's only 3pm but by the time the chicken thaws out, it will just about the right time for it to start marinating and to bake it. I get the chicken out of the freezer and decide to go ahead and chop up some vegetables while I am at it. I open the cabinet to get a cutting board out for the vegetables. I also need a bowl for the chicken to thaw in so I go to grab that as well. Then it happens.... SMACK!

I turn back and hit my head straight on the corner of the cabinet that I obviously forgot to close. It hurts like hell but I brush it off thinking it is no big deal. Until I see it. Blood dripping straight into my counter. I reach up and grab my head where I hit it and blood is all over my hands. I rush to the closest mirror to see exactly what is going on. Great! I cut my head open! It's not a huge gash, but it's probably gonna need a couple stitches. My manager is going to kill me. At this point I'm honestly not sure what to do other than go to the ER. So, I call mom.

Cheri: Hello?

Hailee: Hey mom it's me. So, funny story actually...

Cheri: What did you do?

Hailee: Well, you know how I have been getting more into cooking lately?

Cheri: Yes...?

Hailee: Well, I was prepping for dinner and forgot to close the cabinet, turned around, hit my head on it, and now I'm bleeding everywhere. I don't know what else to do other than go to the ER. I think I'm gonna need a couple stitches. Will you go with me?

Cheri: Of course I will. Get a clean rag, hold pressure on it, and I will be there in 10 minutes okay?

Hailee: Okay, see you soon. Love you

Cheri: Love you, sweetie.

As my mom promised, she is here in 10 minutes. We get in the car and head to the nearest ER. I have no idea which one we are going to and I honestly don't care. I just want my head to stop bleeding.

We arrive at the ER and walk up to the desk to check in. From the few seconds I am in here I already notice a couple people staring at me. Like they recognize who I am. I hate asking for special privileges but the last thing I need is a photo on my in the tabloids with blood everywhere going around. I ask the lady at the front desk if it would be okay if I sat in a more private room until they call me back. To my surprise, she kindly agrees as she hands me a clipboard of paperwork to fill out. I am seated in a room a few doors down from the waiting area. No one else is in here so that puts me a little more at ease. I finish the paperwork about my injury, insurance, and all that fun stuff that comes with going to the ER. My mom takes the paperwork back up to the desk for me. When she come back she said the wait time should only be about 15 minutes because they apparently aren't as busy as normal today. I guess at least one thing is working in my favor today.

Mom and I sit and talk for the next 15 minutes. I've been holding pressure to my head for what seems like forever now and my arm is start to get sore. Mom notices and insists I lay my head on her shoulder. We are seated in the back corner of the room with direct view of the door.

One of my favorite things to do is people watch. I am not sure why but something about it is so satisfying. I sit and watch the numerous medical professionals walk by. All in a hurry and with a purpose. I have the most respect in the world for them. After a few more moments I notice someone making their way directly towards us. Hopefully that's our nurse because I am more than ready to get out of here. I sit up anticipating whoever is coming towards us, is about to call my name.

As soon as I sit up I make eye contact with the y/h/c hair and y/e/c  eyed nurse who honest to god looks like she came straight out of a magazine. The eye contact lingers for longer than I expected it to but I am not complaining. Focus Hailee, you are at a hospital because your head is bleeding. Then I hear the words "Hailee Steinfeld" after she clears her throat. Taking that as my cue, I stand up and make my way towards her and say, "Hi, I'm Hailee".

Y/N: It's nice to meet you, Hailee. My name is Y/N and I will be your nurse today. Just follow me and we will get you all taken care of.

I can't help but let a small smile creep up on my face. She's cute, confident, and maybe this is weird to think, but she smelled really good.

I follow her down the hall and into a room a little further back in the ER. She helps me sit up on the bed and get comfortable as she begins to look at the cut on my head. She asks how it happened and when I tell her she lets out a small chuckle. I don't think she meant for me to hear it but I did. I can't blame her, it is kinda funny.

Hailee: What's so funny?

Y/N: "I'm sorry, it just reminded me of the time I cut my arm open from hitting it too hard on a glass table."

Hailee: How is that funny?

Y/N: "Well, the reason I hit my arm was because I was in a hurry trying to cook dinner. Was trying to do too many things at once and then BAM. Next thing I knew I was bleeding everywhere."

Hailee: Guess we are both just a couple of clumsy girls.

Y/N: "I guess we are."

She says with a smile that would make anyone melt. What am I doing? Stop flirting with your nurse. With your nurse who is a woman. Who probably has a boyfriend. Does she have a boyfriend? Hmm?

Hailee: Do you have a boyfriend?

I ask immediately flushed with embarrassment at the question I just asked. Luckily my mom stepped out to take a few phone calls. I'd never hear the end of it if she was in here with me. But maybe I wouldn't be acting like such an idiot if she was.

Y/N: "I'm sorry?"

Hailee: Sorry, I didn't mean to....

Y/N: "No it's okay. Um.... I don't have a boyfriend. I'm not dating anyone right now. Just kinda focusing on myself for now."

Way to go Hailee. Why would you even ask her that. Now she probably thinks your weird. By this time she has finished her assessment and charted my vital signs. She asks if I need anything. I say I don't and she gives me a call light to push if I change my mind. And just as she is about to leave the room she says...

Y/N: "But if you know of anyone who wants to maybe make me shift my focus a little, let me know..."

Author's Note:
I hope you all are enjoying so far! Nothing like a little lighthearted flirting right? Is there something going on between them or is just in there heads? Hmm, guess we will find out. Stay tuned my loves 😉

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