Moving On

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Hailee's POV:

The words come out of my mouth quicker than I can realize what I have just said. I don't know why I said it. All I know is I want her to stay. I want her. Not in a possessive way. I just want to be around her.

She stops in her tracks and turns around to walk back in the room.

"Did you need something else?..." she says
Um, yes. Well, no, actually uh....I was wondering if... would you...

Just as the words are on the tip of my tongue my mom comes barging in the room. "You all fixed up and good to go now, my sweet girl?" She says.

Yeah, mom I'm good. All stitched up. Y/N just has to finished up my discharge papers and then I am good to go.

"Well, that's great baby! I'm sure you are so ready to go home and rest." She says

"Well, I will leave you two alone, and get working on these papers so you can be on your way." Y/n says.

About 20 minutes pass and y/n comes back with the discharge papers. She teaches me how to keep the wound clean, what to look for, for signs of infection, and when to come back to the ER (like if it opens back up or I get a fever).

"Well, you all are good to go. It was nice meeting you both and I hope you have a great rest of your evening. And Hailee, I hope you have a quick and easy recovery." Y/n says

"I am gonna go pull the car up for us, dear." Mom says making her way to the exit.

Would you mind staying with me until my mom pulls up? I ask y/n with a laugh

"Sure, absolutely" she says with a small grin

Honestly I don't know why I asked her to stay. I am perfectly capable of waiting for the car by myself. I guess I'm just working up the courage and buying time to say what I truly feel.

Hey, y/n?

"Yeah?" She says

Thank you for taking such good care of me.

"You are more than welcome, but that is kind of my job right?"

I guess so

"You guess so?"

Yeah, I guess so. But I was wondering if you...


Would you ever wanna....?

"Y/N TO TRIAGE 1. Y/N TO TRAIGE 1" gets announced over the intercom.

"Hold that thought. I am so sorry. I gotta go. But I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?"

No, absolutely. No worries

She runs off to the triage room and it's not a few seconds later and my mom is pulling up with the car.

"You ready to go sweetie?"

Um well, y/n just ran off the do something but she said she'd be right back. I was gonna tell her bye.

"Honey I'm sure she is busy, plus your dad just called. I forgot we have a meeting this afternoon, so I really gotta get going. Maybe you can stop by sometime and thank her later once you're better?"

Yeah, I guess you're right. It did seem important and I don't wanna bother her. Let's just go.

I get in the car with my mom. Honestly trying to hold back tears. I have no idea when and if I will ever see her again. It's probably for the best, though. It's not like she liked me.

Even if she did, maybe I just got wrapped up in the moment of being taken care of. It's probably nothing. Just a little crush and nothing more. It'll blow over and things will go back to the way they were in no time. I'll move on.

Y/N's POV:

I run back to where Hailee was as quick as I can after finishing the triage. I can't help but think what she was about to say was important.

I look around everywhere but she is nowhere to be found.

I go up to the front desk and ask if anyone has seen her. That's when I'm told she left shortly after I got called.

Screw my life. I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it. But what if what she was about to say was something important. What if she was about to tell me she feels the same way.

Who am I kidding. She isn't interested in me. I have only known her for a few hours. Plus I don't even think she likes girls.

Whatever the case, it's just a crush. It'll blow over and things will go back to the way they were in no time. If it's meant to be maybe our paths will cross again someday. But if not I'll move on just like I always do.

Author's note:
We almost had that didn't we? Will they meet again or is their spark gone forever. Are they really going to move on? Stay tuned my loves😉

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