Let's Do This

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Y/N's POV:

After getting called into work, I am more than disappointed. I have a date with the most perfect girl on Friday that I have to plan. I do not have to time for this. I do love my job but I am beginning to think I love this girl even more. Omg I can't believe I just said that. Why is happening to me? I'm not like this. I don't fall in love. I don't like anyone. ANYONE. But that's the thing. She isn't anyone. She's Hailee. She's perfect inside and out. The way she speaks, the way she smells, her smile. Everything about her is perfect. She's darlin'. That's it! Omg!

I immediately get out my phone and begin typing....

Y/N: guess what

Hailee: what's up, angel?

Y/N: I just thought of your pet name!🤗😘

Hailee: Frfr!? What is it I am so excited!!?!?😱

Y/N: you are my darlin' 😘

Hailee: stop I love it!!! Plz only ever call me that

Y/N: anything for you, darlin' 😘 I can't wait for our date!

Hailee: me either!! I am so excited to see what you have planned but most of all I can't wait to see you and smooch ya!😘

Hailee and I text all day everyday which normally isn't my forte but with her it's different. I never get tired of her.

My lunch break in the cafeteria is rudely interrupted by a smack to the back of my head.

"Ow, what the hell!?" I say

"You think you can just not see me for a week and I wouldn't be upset about it!?"

That would be my best friend, Kenna. She also works as a nurse at the same hospital as me. We are also roommates. She has been back home visiting family. I've known her my whole life. We grew up together in a small town. She's straight btw. Not to mention she's as annoying as my sisters.

"Missed you too but I don't think smacking me in the back of the head is a proper greeting."

"So, catch me up. What's new?"

"First of all when did you get home? I didn't see you at our place today."

"Oh, I went and stayed with Jake last night when I got in (her boyfriend). I meant to text you but I was so exhausted I just passed out. I got up and came straight here for work."

"Well, I'm glad you made it back safe! I missed you and there is actually a ton to fill you in on."

I spend the next bit explaining the details of my life since she has been gone and let's just say she is dumbfounded.

"Wait wait wait. So you mean to tell me that you have been on a date with THE Hailee Steinfeld and you thought it was appropriate to wait until I got back to tell me!? Not to mention you're going on another date with her Friday!? What the actual fuck is wrong with you!!??"

"I'm sorry Kenna! But to be fair, I wanted to see your reaction in person. I've never felt this way about anyone. I know it's crazy but I think I might be falling in love with this girl."

"Well, she will need my approval of course. But from everything you've told me I am sure I will love her too." She smiles

Flash forward to Friday... quite possibly the biggest day of my life up until this point. I have everything planned out perfectly. Or at least I hope I do.  I don't think I have ever been this nervous before. I call Hailee to let her know I will be at her place to pick her up at 6. Which is in about an hour for now.

"Hey angel, I can't wait to see you."

"I can't wait to see you either darlin'. I'm gonna be over at 6 to pick you up. I just wanted to call and hear your voice and let you know I'll see ya soon."

"Are you okay? You sound shaky."

"Yeah, I'm just nervous is all." I say embarrassed

"There is no need to be nervous. It's just us. It's just me."

"That's the thing. It's not just you. You are everything. You're perfect. I don't want to mess anything up."

"Well, I am far from perfect that's for sure. But there is no way you could mess anything up with me. I'm pretty smitten with ya, angel. I'll see you at 6. Go take some time to relax, okay?"

"See you at 6, darlin'."

She's right. I need to relax. Everything is going to be just fine. Besides I am gonna be with the most perfect girl in the world. How will it not be fine?

Before you know it, it's already 5:45. It takes me about 10 minutes to get the Hailee's place so I text her and let her know I'm headed that way. I'm wearing a yellow sundress with pink flowers and my hair is curled. I told Hailee the dress code was Sunday casual. So whatever that means to her lol. I just hope she likes what I have planned.

I pulled up to Hailee's and she is already waiting for me on her porch. As soon as she sees my car she perks up and starts walking towards me. I pull up and get out of the car because chivalry is not dead if I have anything to do with it. I greet her with a kiss to the cheek and open her door for her.

"You look absolutely breathtaking, darlin'."

"As do you, angel. I've been looking forward to this all week." She says but this time she meets her lips to mine in a quick but passionate kiss."

She gets in the car and I close the door for her and we head off to our destination.

As soon as we start driving Hailee immediately takes my hand into hers and rests it on her leg. I look over at her blushing and smiling from ear to ear.

"I love making you blush, just so ya know."

"You can make me blush all you want darlin'."

About a 30 minute car ride later with lots of handholding and stolen kisses at stop lights, we make it to our destination.

"You're joking! There is no way you did all of this for me Y/N!!!"

I kiss her on the cheek "Anything for you, darlin'." I walk over to her side of the door and open it. I reach to take her hand in mine and say "Let's do this."

Author's Note:
I sincerely apologize for the wait. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Stay tuned for the next chapter and watch how date number 2 unfolds. Will it go as perfectly as planned or do we feel a storm brewing? Until next time my loves 😉

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