Everything You Are

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Hailee's POV:

It's been a few days since my date with y/n. To be completely honest, that was the best date I have ever been on. She is an absolute angel. I can't stop thinking about her. Every second of every day it seems like I'm thinking about her. The way her cheeks blush when she's nervous. How her eyes are the perfect shade of y/e/c. Her hair is so shiny and beautiful. She is so intentional with everything she says and does. She's perfect. I want her. I need her. And I can't wait to see her again.

I felt bad about stopping her the other night when things got a little heated. It's not that I didn't want to. Believe me I did. I just don't wanna rush things. I want to take our time and do things right. It took everything in me to stop, though. I have never wanted anyone more than I want her. But it's not just lust, it's dare I say, love?

I could really see myself in love with this girl. Which is probably crazy to say this soon, but it's true. No matter, I meant what I said. When the time is right, it'll happen.

I'm pulled from my thoughts when I feel something hit my arm.

"Ouch! Griffin, what the hell man!? Why did you punch me!?"

"Thank God, I was getting worried! What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." I say beginning to blush a little

"What's got you in such a trance? Thinking about your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend... yet." I say with a smirk

Griffin and I decided to get lunch together. We try to do that at least once a week to catch up and spend time with one another since we are both so busy.

"So, has she asked you out on another date yet?"he asks

"No." I reply flatly

"Oh, well have you at least been talking?"

"Yes. We talk all day everyday. It's just... I don't know maybe I freaked her out or she changed her mind or doesn't like me..."

"Stop." He cuts me off

"I don't think you freaked her out. It's only been a few days. I'm sure she will ask you. Maybe she's just nervous. And there is no way in the world she doesn't like you. By the way, when do I get to meet this girl and give her my big brother speech?" He says smugly

"Griffin, stop." I roll my eyes "There is no need for any speeches. And you will meet her soon enough. You'll love her. She's quite literally perfect."

"Not as perfect as you little sis."

"I don't know Griff, she may have me beat. I have never met anyone like her. We stayed up all night talking and laughing and dancing. She's smart, funny, kind, beautiful. And damn is she a good kisser."

"Well, little sis. I think you might just be smitten. And that says a lot. You don't date just anyone."

"Oh, I'm head over heels for sure. I just really wish she'd ask me out again.."

Griff and I finish up with lunch and are heading to our cars. Just as we are saying our goodbyes my phone starts to vibrate in my hand. It's y/n!

"You better answer that. Angels don't call everyday. See ya later sis. Love you."

I get in my car and answer my phone.

"Well, hello angel" I say

She laughs "Is that my official pet name?"

"Absolutely, 100% is" I say

"Well now I feel bad because I haven't thought of one for you." She says sadly

"You'll have plenty of time to think of one I'm sure."

It's silent for a minute. Did I just freak her out?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

I'm interrupted by y/n saying "No no no, that's actually why I called you. Well, that and I wanted to hear your sweet voice."

She continues "I had an amazing time the other night and I wanted to return the favor. So, would you want to go on another date with me this Friday night maybe?"

I laugh

"What's so funny?" She asks

"I was beginning to think  you didn't want to go on another date with me."

"Are you crazy!? Of course I do! I wanna go on so many more dates with you. You have no idea. That was the best date of my entire life. You're perfect, Hailee. Everything about you is perfect. And not just your looks. Your heart is prefect. I love everything you are..."

It's silent

"Oh shit, I didn't mean to... I just meant that... I.. I don't..."

"Y/n, it's okay. I love everything that you are, too. You're an angel." I respond

"Every time I talk to you I blush so damn hard. How do you do that?"

"Oh you haven't seen nothin yet, angel"

"Well, as much as I would love to talk to you all day, I have to go. I got called in to go the hospital. They are slammed more than usual. But I will text you when I can and if you want to talk again later tonight we can." She says

"Sounds good. I hope you have a great rest of your day and be careful."

We hang up and my heart could not be happier than it is right now.

I send griff a quick text

Hailee: guess who has another date Friday?!

Griff🏎️:  hmmm... you and angel???

Hailee: I'm the only one allowed to call her that but yes haha

Griff🏎️: well, I'm happy for you sis!

I sit my phone down and begin to drive home. My mind wanders about my future date with y/n and how much she already means to me. I really think this is the start of something amazing. That's when the guilt hits me. I really need to have a conversation with her that in all honesty I don't really want to have. But I have to do it. I just hope I don't lose her because of it...

Author's Note:
Well, well, well.... What do we have here? Trouble in paradise? Or is Hailee just being dramatic? Will the next make or break their relationship? Stay tuned.... Until next time my loves 😉

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