I could get used to this

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Y/N's POV:

I don't know if Hailee can tell or not but I am as nervous as I can be. My heart feels like it's beating a million miles a minute. I am living a dream turned reality. I am literally going on a date with HAILEE STEINFELD. How exactly this is my fate, I don't know. But I am not complaining. I'm just going to focus on the beauty that is driving us to our destination. I am pulled from my thoughts when I feel the sweetest, softest hand intertwine with mine.

I look over at Hailee who is smirking but still keeping an eye on the road in front of us. "You nervous?" She asks.

"If I'm gonna be completely honest, I am super nervous." I say

"I am, too. We can be nervous together." She replies back. And suddenly I realize even more how perfect she is. She gets me. She knows me. Which is crazy because we haven't known each other that long. She's so calming and intentional.

I'd go on an infinite amount of dates with this girl.

After listening to a multitude of TLC, The Beach Boys, and Drake we arrive at our destination.

To be honest I have no idea where we are. It's a secluded area and there are no other cars around. As we get out of the car I say, "Would you tell me if you were planning to murder me?"

Hailee begins to laugh and with a wink says "Now what kind of fun would that be?"

We arrived at a secluded gravel patch covered with trees, flowers, and bushes. I look at Hailee with a confused look.

She holds out her hand for me to take and of course, I do.

She leads me to a corner where they seems to be a trail. We begin to walk down it. And after a few twists and turns are led to a private beach which seems to be set up with a cabana, projector screen, a buffet of food, and a ton of flowers.

My eyes go wide and I start to tear up a little. Hailee notices and squeezes my hand. "What's wrong she asks?"

"Is this for me?" She looks at me with a mixture of confusion and worry. "Of course it is, is that okay?"

I meet her question with a kiss. "It's more than okay. I've just never had anyone go to this much trouble for me is all."

With a soft smile, Hailee wipes the tear falling from my cheek with her thumb and meets me with another kiss. Except this time with more passion than before. She pulls away and says "Well, you better get used to it because I see nothing but being spoiled rotten in your future, angel."

"What do ya say we get started on our first official date, now?" She says as I take her hand again.

We make our way over the the cabana and I am still in awe. This woman is amazing. "Did you really set this all up all by yourself?"

"Yes and no. I had some help from my brother, Griffin." She says

"Well tell him I said thank you."

The date is everything I imagined it to be and more. We've talked, laugh, ate some delicious food, and just enjoyed each others company. She is quite literally perfect. The sun is starting to set so we decide to cuddle up in the cabana and watch it together. I snuggle in the Hailee's chest and her arm is wrapped around me tracing patterns on my side.

A few moments later I feel her place a soft kiss to my head. Which I decide to return to the exposed skin on her chest. She's wearing a cropped tank top with a low v so the kiss goes straight to her skin. That's when I hear her breath hitch. I decide to test my luck. So, I lean up a little bit and place a kiss to her neck. This is what does it for her.

Her head goes back and she lets out a soft moan as I continue to make my mark on her neck. Before I know it she is pulling me on top facing her. I continue to kiss her neck and then make my way to her mouth with wet, sloppy kisses pure of lust and passion. I begin to grind my hips on top of hers and Hailee let's out an ungodly moan. She wants me and I need her. BADLY.

My hand are in her hair and our tongues are in each others mouths. I bite her lip and begin to make my way down to her jeans with her permission.

"Stop..." she says

I look at her with fear that I have made her uncomfortable or pushed too far. I get off of her and walk away. "I'm so sorry Hailee, I didn't mean to..."

"No no no. You didn't do anything wrong. I want to so badly but that's why we can't."

"What do you mean?" I ask. At this point Hailee has met me and is holding one hand in mine and pushing my hair behind my ear with the other.

"I want to, but I think we should wait. I wanna do this right. Because I think we could really be something. I want to take it slow and get it right with you. Is that okay?" She says

"Of course it is, Hailee. I want to do it right, too. And I couldn't agree more. I'm sorry for pushing you." I say

"Hey, none of that. I want to. I want you. All of you. So don't worry about that, okay?"

"Okay. I'm sorry"

"Stop apologizing, angel. You didn't do anything wrong. What do ya say we go pick out a movie to watch and snuggle up to?"

Hailee and I decide to watch Crazy Stupid Love and we spend the rest of the night snuggled up and just being with each other. It's perfect.

For the first time in a long time. I feel safe. I feel seen. I feel loved. Hailee is my comfort. She is perfect. I could get used to this.

Author's Note:
So sorry for the wait. I hope you all enjoyed the long awaited date. Stay tuned bc I see a storm brewing in the distance... until next time my loves 😉

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