Life As We Know It: Part 1

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Y/N's POV:

It's been 1 month since I took care of Hailee in the ER. The thing that sucks most about the whole situation is I can't tell anyone about it. Not only would I not want to accidentally tip a tabloid on a story. But it is quite literally illegal to tell anyone about it. Thanks to my dear friend HIPAA.

To protect a patients rights and privacy, under no circumstance are you allowed to share information of a patient. You can say they were there, that you took care of them. Nothing.

It has been eating me alive. I just met the most amazing person and I can tell NO ONE. And I don't know why but lately I keep getting this feeling that she liked me back. But I guess if that was true she would had said something, right?

Anyway, it's 5:00 am and I am scheduled to start an other shirt at the hospital at 7:o0 am so I had better get going. I am already ready, all I have to do is get in my car.

I decide on the way there that I have enough time to stop and pick up a breakfast and coffee to go. There is this new shop called "satire" that I have been wanting to try out so I am going to go there.

I arrive at the coffee shop. It is honestly the cutest coffee shop I have ever seen. It's witty and contemporary which makes the name live up the the expectation.

The main reason I wanted to come here is because they also serve açaí bowls which is a personal favorite of mine. I get to the counter an order my açaí bowl and a medium iced caramel macchiato.

I grab my food and head out the door. I'm making excellent time so I am going to be pretty early to work.

I apparently was not paying attention because as soon as I walk out the door of the coffee shop I run directly into someone. Luckily I didn't spill anything.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" I say still not looking at who I ran into

"It's totally okay, I'm kind of clumsy anyway" she says

"Hailee?!??!!" I say after looking up and realizing who I had just ran into.

"Y/N, hi!!! I am so sorry! I didn't even realize who I was taking to!" She says

"Me either! How are you?" I say butterflies going crazy in my stomach. "I've been good, how about you?" She asks. "Ya know just working all the time, that's about it." I say. She doesn't say anything for a moment and I get nervous. I don't want to bother her or keep her from anything.

"Well, I'll let you get your breakfast. It was good to see you again." I say starting to walk always towards my car.

"Y/N, wait..." she says

My heart is beating a million miles an hour right now.

"What's up?" I say trying my best to keep it cool.

"Would you like to eat breakfast with me? If you're busy that's fine but I would really like it if you would." She says what that cute smile that makes me melt.

" I would love to, Hailee. I can't stay super long because I have to get to work by 7 but I can stay for a little bit." I say making sure she knows I want to eat with her. To be honest I want to eat every meal with her.

"Great! Because I have something I really want to talk to you about and it has been bothering my all month! I'm gonna go order. Do you mind grabbing a table and I'll meet you there?"

"Absolutely!" I say exchanging smiles

What does she want to talk to me about? She doesn't even really know me. Does she like me? Was I right? No way. Can't be. But then again what are the odds of me bumping into her? Is it meant to be?

I am awakened from my thoughts when a beautiful brunette sits down across from me with that million dollar smile. And she says...

"So, I'm just gonna get straight to the point because I'm a nervous wreck and I just need to say it, is that okay?"

"Of course, what is it that you need to say?" I ask

"I ......."

Author's Note:
My my my what do have we here? What is Hailee going to say? Is it what we think or are we going to be completely thrown off? Guess you'll have to stick around to find out. Until next time my loves 😉 Also, lmk if y'all like the shorter more frequent chapters or want a long chapter once a week or so

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