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Hailee's POV:

One thing I have learned rather quickly about Y/N is to not underestimate her. She is impeccable and goes above and beyond in everything she does, and this date is the epitome of that. I was so nervous for this date. I don't why. It's not like we both aren't aware about how we feel with one another. I guess it just seems too good to be true. Getting ready I decided to go with a cute half up and half down hairstyle with a light pink sundress and some sandals. Just a cutesy vibe I suppose. What I was not prepared for was the way Y/N was going to look. I swear this woman gets even more beautiful every time I see her. She is wearing this yellow sundress with little pink flowers all over it and her hair is down with some loose curls. That y/h/c hair and those y/e/c eyes will be the death of me.

As soon as we get in the car, I grab her hand in mine and place it on my thigh. I don't care. I want her touching me, always.

After about a thirty minute car ride, we make it to our destination and I am in total shock. There is a gazebo in the middle of a flower field that has lights, food, and a bed swing.

Y/N opens the door for me and I am still in shock as we make our way up there.

"I can't believe you did all of this." I say

"Well I didn't do it but I did plan it. And of course, anything for you." She smiles

We eat the lovely picnic meal that was prepared and make our way over to the swing bed. The gazebo has a skylight so we are currently wrapped up in each other looking up at the sky.

"Hey Y/N?"

"Hmm?" She sighs back while tracing patterns on my arm.

"I really like you."

"I really like you, too."

I wanna say more but I'm afraid it's too soon. So I hold back. I sit up and rest my arm again my head admiring her as she looks up at the sky.

"It's so beautiful here" she says

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I say not taking my eyes off of her.

She looks over at me and laughs.

"Now don't be getting all cheesy on me"

"I make no promise, angel"

She sits up and turns just enough to meet my gaze. She locks eyes with me and tucks a stray hair of mine behind my ear letting her fingers linger there way down my jaw to my chin. Her gaze lowers slightly to my lips.

That's it. I can't take it any longer. My lips meet hers slowly at first but the intensity increases and I make my way on top of her. Our hands are everywhere. Our tongues are battling for domination but to my surprise she gives in and let's me take over.

Nothing like a good ole fashion make out/feel up sesh. But we both decided to stop before it got out of hand. Even though Lord knows we both secretly wanted it to. We presume our previous cuddling positions.

We spend the rest of the evening talking about any and everything.

"So, my turn. How many siblings do you have?" I ask

"I have 2 bothers and 2 sisters. I'm the oldest. What about you?"

"Oh wow. That's pretty intimidating to meet one day. I just have one older brother. His name is Griffin."

"I think meeting an older brother is way more intimidating than meeting 4 younger siblings!"

"No way! It's more people to impress! What if they don't like me?"

"Oh so you're saying you want to meet them?"

"Well, yeah. Of course I do. I want to meet everyone that's important to you." I say with all the sincerity in the world. "To be honest I want to know any and everything about you. I wanna go back to where you're from and see what made you who you are."

"Hailee Steinfeld..."

"What?" I say almost scared to hear what she is about to say.

"You are actually perfect. You know that?" She says

"Well, I have some steep competition..." I say leaning in for a kiss.

Her lips are perfect, too.

Through, cuddles, long deep talks, card games, and a few tickle fights we notice it's starting to get pretty late.

"Hey darlin' I hate to say it but we better get to heading back soon. I don't want to keep you too late."

"Umm actually... before we go can I talk to you about something first?" I ask

"Of course. Is everything okay?"

"Yes and No..." I say petrified

"You're scaring me what's up?" She says moving my hair out of my face in the perfect way she does every time.

"So, I don't really know how to say this but..."

"Please just spit it out"

"I have this promo I have to do for a brand deal and the thing about it is, I have to be out of town for a month.... So, that means.."

"You're going to be gone for a month..." she says dropping her head.

"But the good news is I have until Monday before I leave. So if you want, we can spend all weekend together."

She doesn't say anything

"Do you work this weekend?" I ask

She still doesn't say anything

I grab her hands in mine

"Y/N what's wrong? Talk to me."

"I just am really going to miss you is all."

"I'm going to miss you too. And I honestly would ask you to come with me but I know you have to work and it's late notice and I didn't even know if you'd want to because it's soon and I didn't want to freak you out and..." I am interrupted by her lips meeting mine in a sweet short kiss

"You ramble when you're nervous, you know that? I'd love to go. But unfortunately I do have to work next week. So, it'd be too short of a notice. Next time just give me a heads up so I can let my boss know. Because I'd love to in the future. But for now, I'll settle for a weekend of just us."

Whew, that conversation was not one I was looking forward to but I'm glad we had it.

We are on the way back and we are pulling into my driveway for Y/N to drop me off.

She parks and looks over at me.

"So, what's the plans for tomorrow darlin'?" She asks

I start to speak and then stop myself. Y/N notices immediately and asks what's wrong. She's gonna think I'm crazy but I have to do it.

"Would you want to spend the weekend with me?"

"I'm confused. I thought that's what we were doing?" She says

"No... I mean like. Do you want to spend the weekend with me? And stay with me... at my house... all weekend. Just us. Because I would really love it if you did..." I say while looking at her with nothing but butterflies in my stomach.

Author's Note:
Oolala what a chapter.... What are we gonna say? Are we going to stay with Hailee? Is it too fast too soon? How are we going to handle Hailee being gone for a whole month? Everything in paradise seems a little too good doesn't it? Stay tuned. Until next time, my loves. 😉

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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