An Unexpected turn of events

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Jacob POV

I take a peek outside and observe the lights off. Tasha was asleep. I sat down cross-legged focusing hard. I looked at the watch, not able to make out the time, I sighed and looked away, nothing was making sense here, all I could do was read and read but I couldn't find the path to enlightenment (Oooohhh Dramatic). I craned my neck to look at the window. A few sun rays had made their way to the top of the hills. I rubbed my weary eyes and lay down on my bed. I still wasn't prepared, probably no one would be able to do it on their first try right? And I had tried the best I could so, guess I can just lay down and not worry too much. I curled around for some time and then stood up again, by the time I got ready, Tasha had just woken up.

After getting ready we both make our way to the mess hall for breakfast. "We are quite early," I stated. She kept walking and said, "Well someone wasn't procrastinating again and again." I roll my eyes. Always sarcastic. What I wouldn't give away to get a day free of her comments on me. I walk away from her and take a seat somewhere else, I can see her arched eyebrows as she sat somewhere else from the periphery of my vision, but I pretend not to have noticed it. Realized that we have to take our food ourselves, (which I had forgotten.) I walked around the buffet and looked around. I didn't have much of an appetite so I just settled for a cream roll and some tea. I sit back and stare at it when suddenly a voice breathes down my neck. "Hey," I look back in surprise and see Thomas smiling down at me. It's uncanny how he shows up behind you every time and you are not able to tell where he is. I try to smile, not easy when you are NOT in a good mood with your head aching. "Hi."

He just smiled weirdly at me and then walked away. He is definitely weird. I look back at my plate and groan inwardly and stand up. I started walking away. Not really any place to go, I wandered around for a long time. Had coming here really been a good idea? Well, I guess better than being dead. I take another turn and continue walking. Everybody had been acting unusually weird. Tasha had been guarded and stern around me since yesterday. Thomas had been trying to become way too friendly when I had clearly given hints that I hate his kind...and most of all what puzzled me was Thomas's habits...They- they appeared so woman-like. I laughed to myself. As if that could be possible. I suddenly stopped, feeling nauseous, I clutched my stomach. Suddenly I could see Thomas approaching me. I rubbed my eyes wishing that he would suddenly disappear but he didn't. At a distance, he stopped. And then something happened. His hair started to turn black and long, his eyes changed their colors to green his height decreased somewhat equivalent to mine. He looked like a middle-aged woman with cat-like eyes now. I squinted at him and tried concentrating so that his face would change back to normal. But this only made my vision worse. I doubled over and retched. I look back at her and she smiles at me. Evilly. I cowered. Something told me that I wasn't having visions. I tried crawling away but I slipped on my vomit and fell. Breathing hard, my feet and hands felt numb, I could barely move and forget about walking. I could hear her mumbling about something as she picked me up. She started walking away from my school or whatever you would call this place when she suddenly stops. She hisses loudly which sends a shiver down my spine, an uncontrollable fear. She throws me down as I try to look the other way. I am only able to make out a blurry contour of a familiar man when my eyes close and I enter in the dark.

My dreams felt weird. It was almost as if it were real. A girl...about 8 years running down, tears streaming down her eyes "No...please don't!" As sinister hands emerged from the shadows and took hold of her. I winced, I tried rushing forward but realizing that it was just a dream, I couldn't do anything but watch it unfold. "Well, well my dear, it's all because of your wretched brother who brought this upon you, if not for him, you wouldn't have had to face all this pain."

"But why me?" she moans.

"Oh my dear, trust me. It's all because of your dear brother. All the blame rests upon him! Don't blame your dear father for this. He is just trying to help you."

Hmm, weird dream to have.

She looks at her father sadly. "Father, I love brother. Cannot we work out some other way?"

Her father sighs as if he was tired of answering this question again. "My dear, Peace. Is just a facade. To achieve it. One must have no ill feelings toward each other which is impossible."

Her daughter nods and stands up. "Come, father. Obara wants to help you."

Her father smiles at her. and stands up to hold her hand as they walk off. Suddenly, a stabbing pain reaches my forehead and I wake up.

I look around the familiar white sheets of the infirmary where I had arrived on my first day of howl. I look around and see Professor Lyn, Tasha's elder sis, and Lady Du- ugh my head hurt. Who was she again? She was someone really important Lady Duckling? I started giggling. No, no, no. It wasn't Duckling.

He has gone mad. Did his fell quite hard hard?

I look around. No one had said anything. And no one else other than the three was in the infirmary. Suddenly a lady dressed in pink scrubs rushed forward and put to a stop just beside my bed.

Lady Duciana...yea that's her name, nods her head in approval and almost immediately the woman pulls off a syringe, and before I could react or tell her to stop, she injects the needle in my left arm.




Needles hurt. For a second I felt numb, then suddenly my left arm started hurting.

After a "little" swearing. I start to realize that my mind feels clear and that what had happened earlier, comes crashing to me.

I look at Lyn, "Where is he?"

"In the cell" He states.

I look at him. "So it were you?"

He nods. I stay silent for a while, Taking in what all had happened. Abruptly, Lady Duciana stomps her foot down in frustration causing the tile just below her to break instantaneously as cracks spread to the ones around it. My eyes widened. I warned myself never to do anything to annoy her or I would be where the tile is right now. I shuddered.

She commanded "Would someone mind telling me what has happened? I am supposed to be the most important person in this country and you got to be answerable to me!"

Professor Lyn sighed "My lady with all due respect. Even I am in the dark about some things. Of course, I have had many theories but telling them off without proof would be the heights of idiocy."

"Hmph Okay." She said gruffly. "Boy," she looked at me. "Tell me what happened."

I gulped and started talking. 

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