Back to normal (Tasha)

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I wake up with a start as I shut down my alarm. I sat up and held my head. Sitting in that ride had been a mistake. I shouldn't have given in by Thomas's sweet talk but, I had. Jacob had been smart enough to stay out of it though he was longing to go there. I had to be careful with him because his obsession with books and history could get me in trouble. I had to make sure he didn't know about his ascendants, causing me to sit in the library for hours with him shushing me. Today would be the first day for him to attend a normal day here. Otherwise, he would just roam around. While I was busy with my thoughts. I hadn't noticed that the bed next to me was empty, neat but empty. I stood up and quickly checked the book I had been trying to keep away from him and checked it. No, he hadn't read it. Suddenly I heard the gate open as Jacob emerged from the bathroom. My mouth dropped open. For once Jacob had been awake even before me !! Insult !! I stood up and he scowled "At least brush before you start reading a book." I could still sense that he was angry that I was not letting him even touch the book so I let the topic down and asked "why so early ??" "First day of the school...don't wanna be late..." he muttered. I raised my eyebrows as I stood up intentionally bumping into him to make him drop his books, he growled and shouted as I went for the bathroom "This is BULLYING YOU KNOW ?!?" I shouted back "AS IF I CARE !!" as I closed the door behind me and heard him scoff as a smile played upon my lips. This was gonna be fun. As I was bathing...a thought struck me. He could take the book !! I left in the half shower, wiping the soap off me and hastily putting some oil and wearing some clothes as I rushed back to him to find him propped on my bed trying to find the page at which he left. I sighed loudly and suddenly he was on high alert, he closed the book with high agility and looked at me trying to hide his guilty looked. I wanted to sound frustrated but then I started laughing hard as he looked at me skeptically. Finally, when I had regained my composure I looked at him and said in a coy manner "Isn't it bad to touch ones belonging without permission ??" His face reddened and he scoffed, "It was you who took it away from me !!" I started laughing again when suddenly, ignoring me, he went on and shut the door behind me and went off. I knew he didn't know the way so I let him go by the time I got readied he still hadn't come. I sat down at my bed and dozed off a little. I woke with my phone vibrating as I looked up. What !!! it had been 8:30 !! I stood up, took my bag, and still feeling groggy I started running towards our first class, The History of Howl. To be honest it isn't as interesting as it sounds. Sure it will be quite informative if you are a history geek. Finally, I reached the classroom, thanks to my inheritance, not huffing or puffing. Surprisingly I saw Jacob sitting with an empty chair and making notes. I tiptoed towards him but as soon as I took my place, chalk hit me. I slowly turned around. With the scowl on his face, and his greasy black hair tied in a ponytail. Professor Mclaggen seemed to be annoyed by me...well to be honest that is nothing new, he glared at me and then made me sit beside him because he knew that if he kicked me out of the class it would be a dream come true moment for me. I sit with Jacob and he gives a light chuckle and pulls something out of his pocket, my mouth drops open as I narrow my eyes. He has a map. Very clever of him. With this attitude, he was sure to get beaten up...and well he was a newbie after all so chances were that he would be bullied. I open my book and yawn...this was gonna be a boring day unless Jacob did something interesting which had a fifty-fifty chance because of his "newbieness" and well inheritance.

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