alone in the library (Jacob)

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Jacob, So far so good, this place was amazing, not that I don't miss my old home but the rooms, the decor even the flooring seemed to be made of real log. Tasha would roll her eyes every time I would let out a gasp as a sign of me surprised because everything here was cutting edge, plus the air seemed much fresher than we have there on Earth. "Hey," I muttered to Tasha as she looked up, "pinch me," I ordered. She looked at me as if I were a one-man-circus "It would be my pleasure but may I know why ??" she asked. I shrugged "To make sure this is a reality." She stared at me for a while and then coughed which suspiciously sounded like a laugh and then pinched me so hard that I jumped up and down until she let go of me. I glared at her while she laughed and then we walked off. Nothing had unnerved me more than Emma Ichnilatis. She was even more mannerless and matured than Tasha, and that is saying something. When she had come so near to me, I was prepared to back down but something had stopped me, I was petrified as she stared at me and I stared at her. Instead of running away from her, I was having a strong urge to hug her tightly. My train of thought was broken by Tasha "Hey, you alright ??" She asked concern inevitable in her voice and eyes. I nodded as my bottom lip trembled a little. "What kind of person is Emma ??" I asked. She nodded as if understanding my discomfort from her. "Remember I told you that there are different clans just like you have different dynasties ?" I nodded and gestured for her to continue. "Well there is this clan, who specializes in mesmerizing people and she is one of those." "Ohhh..." It was all I could say after all. Finally, we reached our room which had four beds, two bathrooms, girls and boys. The room was good all in all but the only problem was that it was way too bright. "Don't werewolves like dark and gloomy ??" I wondered out loud. Tasha scoffed "Those are just myths complaint boy. Here you have to do what you are told or you wouldn't survive a day here." I gulped. Did she always have to sound so demotivating?"Well anyway, I will take a leave now to meet someone." She coughed a little and turned around to leave. "Can I come with you ??" I asked even before I realized what I had said. Of course, she was going to meet Thomas. She shook her head and smirked at me "Afraid to get lost huh kiddo ??" I scoffed "Of course not !! I was just curious !!" My voice came shriller than intended as she opened the door and left. I sat there all by myself for a while as I recalled the eventful turns that had turned my life upside-down. I finally sighed and stood up. "I guess I will go to the library and know more about this place." I muttered to myself. I walked past the door and started finding the library. How much difficult would it be to find the library ?? You may be wondering. Well, the answer is: Difficult enough that it takes one hour and still he is extravagating in the long corridors. I was still walking when I stumbled and crashed into one of the boys. I hit his chest and was going to fall when that boy caught me. I looked at him, a person with a big blue tie and a plain white shirt and jeans was smiling down at me. He helped me up still smiling. "You are new to here I guess kid ??" I nodded. He was still smiling at me. He had a kind aura around him with the fatherly figure he had. He was quite long and was a little thin but he held himself with the authority of a strong man. "Thank you sir." I tried to smile but I was still wondering where was the library. He chuckled and replied as if reading my mind "Lost ?? You are trying to find the library right ??" My jaw dropped open "H-how d-" I stuttered as he answered even before I could finish "Experience I guess." I could see that he was hiding something but I was okay with it. He started checking out his pockets until he pulled out what seemed like a map. No matter how hi-tech a place is, there are always some things that remain the same. He passed it to me and I took it gratefully. I muttered my thanks and turned around to go. Finally, I reached the library. I skimmed through the books trying to find something interesting and informative. Finally, I came upon a thick book that read "Howl: All you need to know about. I smiled and started reading it. I read how in ancient times werewolves lived with humans but the countless crimes they committed to nature made its nature the world got polluted and we, that is werewolves had to run away to another dimension with the help of the god. I turned the next page to read about this god. Theos was his name with the power to destroy and make planets with a flick of his fingers, His descendants were... I was just going to turn the page when someone snatched the book from me "Who the..." I was going to cuss out loud and break his bones when I saw her. I scowled "It is wrong Tasha !!" She looked like she had been running all over trying to find me all the time but I moved it aside thinking that she may have been exercising or worse kissing someone. She composed herself and smirked at me, "I am gonna read this book." I glared at her as she flipped her hair and then commanded "Come on kid, I have to show u the whole school." I grumbled and stood up to follow her, my mind still on Theos.

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