A little thing called puberty (Maudie X Ezra)

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It feels messy, random, vague and out of context. However one shots are supposed to be vague because it's not a long full story

(Will check for English mistakes tmr)

Story status:6.5/10

They're 17 in this story

Maudie POV

I yawned as I entered the classroom,

I have class duty today.

It's 7 in the morning and I'm still quite tired.

I placed my book bag on my chair and stretched a bit.

Then I remembered something that made me smile.

At least I'm doing class duty with someone I really fancy.

And according to my calculations, he should be here in about....




The door flew open and Ezra came in with a yawn.

"Good morning, Ezra." I greeted.

Ezra looked at me and smiled.

"Oh good morning, Maudie." Ezra replied as he placed his book bag on his chair.

He got to my side and stretched along with me.

"What are we supposed to do for Morning class duty again?" Ezra asked sleepily.

"We have to sweep the floor, arrange the tables, wipe the tables and test the teacher's markers." I said.

"Test the teachers markers? Thats new." Ezra said.

"It is, It's Mr. Malcom's request. He gets frustrated when the markers just suddenly run out of ink." I said.

"Well, let's get started." Ezra said.

I nodded.

"Let's start with the fl-" I said.

Suddenly, the lights went out.

It was dark

But it wasn't too dark.

Thanks to the rising sun.

"That brownout came out of nowhere." Ezra said.

"I agree." I said. "But to be fair, brownouts are supposed to come out of nowhere." I said

"Yeah." Ezra said.

A burning question started to hit me.

If the whole school had a brownout, why didn't I hear a single scream?

Surely there must be one person who would.

And the school walls aren't exactly thick.

I walked towards the door and opened it.

I saw a brightly lit hall.

"It's just our classroom that lost electricity." I said.

"Good to know. Now, what do we do?" Ezra asked.

"Continue cleaning I guess. It's just a little darkness and we need to get work done." I said.

"Your right." Ezra said

I reached for the Broom but had accidentally touched Ezra's hand, who was also reaching for it.

Ezra pulled his hand back.

Even with the lack of light, I could see his red face.

"Sorry, I didn't see your hand. I'll just wipe the tables instead." Ezra said.

"Okay sure." I said.

Ezra POV

I grabbed a cloth and a cleaning agent from one of the teachers tubs.

I sprayed the teachers table with the cleaning agent and wiped it afterwards.

I looked at Maudie,

Who was sweeping the floor so gracefully.

I couldn't see her face well.

but I can see her petite figure, waltzing around as she swept the floor.

My heart started beating faster.

I knew I had a thing for her, but it has never been like this.

I could barely focus on wiping the teacher's table.

And it's an easy and brainless task to do.

"Hey Ezra." Maudie said.

"What is it?" I asked as I turned around.

"Let me help you with the other ta-" Maudie said as she walked towards me.

Then she tripped on something and was about to fall forward.

My instincts kicked in and I ran to her rescue.

I made her land on my chest and I held her shoulder to stabilize her balance

Maudie pressed her hands on my chest.

We both just froze.

Maybe it was the lack of light that made me crazy,

but i swear, Maudie was staring right at my lips.

Then our eyes met and we were still holding each other.

"Maudie, what are you doing?" I whispered.

"I don't.. I don't know." Maudie replied, maintaining the eye contact.

My heart started beating faster and faster as my eyes slowly narrowed to her lips

According to science, what I was feeling was an adrenaline rush mixed with my hormones.

I felt like I lost control of my body as I pulled Maudie closer.

My face started getting closer to Maudie's.

My mind went blank as our lips were about to touch.

I never wished for a kiss,

but I don't mind this.

Maudie gently pressed her lips against mine,

I opened one of my eyes.

Maudie seemed to be enjoying it.

And she's unsurprisingly good.

I hope I'm not bad in this.

And most importantly,


We pulled back after a while,

The kiss lasted about 5 seconds.

That stuff was really hardcore for someone who has never had their first kiss until today.

Maudie felt her lips with a slight look of fear.

"Well, that felt unholy." She said.

A wave of regret hit me.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think that true, I just thought that-" I said.

"Oh don't say sorry. I liked it, I'm just not used to it. This is my first kiss after all." Maudie said with a reassuring smile.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhm." Maudie said.

"So, what does this make us?" I asked.

"We upgraded from friends to best friends today." Maudie said.

"What?.." I asked.

"I'm kidding." Maudie said as she gave me a peck on the cheek.

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