[InBESTigators out of context 8] / The InBESTigators... (Part 4)

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This may the most unfunny one yet T_T


Kyle: Ava's beige flag is that she doesn't swear and gets me to do it for her. She will pause mid-sentence, look over at me, and when I curse, only then can the conversation continue. She even thanks me afterward.

Ava: He's just such a...a...

Kyle: Bitch?

Ava: Yes! Thank you!


Ezra: What's the difference between gamete and zygote?

Kyle: Don't fall for it, Y/N, he's just making up words.


Kyle: Am I too competitive?

Kyle: I mean, Ava does often say, "Kyle, do you always have to finish first?


Kyle: I don't want to wake up and be dead.

Maudie: You can't wake up and be dead.


Y/N: So, how was the double honeymoon?

Ava: Well, Kyle got so drunk that he tried to set our marriage certificate on fire.

Ava: He said, "Good luck trying to return me without the receipt."

Maudie: Ava, he was sober.


Ava: Do you guys put the toilet roll over or under?

Ezra: Under.

Maudie: *Smiling* Really? Same here.

Ava: *squealing* I'm hearing wedding bells!


Ava: Okay, so after a quick scan of his Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram, here's what I know.

Maudie: That privacy is dead?


Ava: No more video games because they cause stress and raise your heart rate.

Kyle: More stress than being a professional soccer player?

Ava: Kyle, I've seen you play Mario Party.



Kyle: In my defense, I was the only one who said we should stop punching them.




Kyle: Officer, before you say anything, me and my friend just don't vibe with the law. You can't arrest us for that.

Cop: This your friend?

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