Hypothetically, what if? (1.1)

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3rd person pov-

    in Jake's bedroom, Thursday.

    Drew and Jake were laying against Jake's bed, playing the game that ruins friendships-monopoly. But this was a rare case-monopoly wouldn't (couldn't) ruin the pair's friendship. Why? Because neither of them knew what they were doing.

    "Drew~" the blonde sang, "you owe me 500$" there was obviously some sort of error, and Drew intended to find it. "There is no way-you definitely read something wrong." Drew went over, sat down next to Jake (extremely close to him-legs touching) and looked over at Jake's card. "See? Look at that-I only owe you 55$. Nice try" He says pointing at the card, "what! But I have a go fish!"Jake defends himself, but he already lost. "Go fish? Don't you mean monopoly??" Drew smirks, then looks up to see Jake's face-up close. Their heads nearly touching. The two make eye-contact for a good second, leaning their heads in preparing for a kiss, and then-

    "Open up my eager! Eyes!! Cause i'm Mr. Bright-Side!!" Henry was currently calling Jake

    Drew backed up a bit, blushing, "way to spoil the moment" The blonde mumbles under his breath. "Hm?" Drew looks at Jake, visibly confused, "oh! Uhm..." The blonde's face turns bright pink-attempting to change the topic, he picks up the phone.

J: yellow?

L : Jake! You will not believe what just happened-it's so funny!

J: hold up-i'm gonna put you on speaker..

L: Why? So your boyfriend can hear?

J: Liam! You need to shut up!

L: yeah yeah whatever.. Now- (you hear fighting coming from the other end..sounds like somebody dropped the phone.)

H: Hey guys! Sorry about that! Liam thinks its soo funny that I fell off my bike.(theres a pause-and then)

D: YOU FELL OFF YOUR BIKE? OH GOSH HENRY (drew starts bursting out into laughter-and jake..jake can't help but stare at drew.

H: yes! I fell off my bike..ugh (it goes quiet. It was comfortable, and comforting. The silence was nice, but Henry just had to break it.

H: So-how's your date going? I mean-it's so obvious that you two love each-

    That's when drew grabs the phone, and hangs up. "I'm sorry-but i'm so sick of those two! Always talking about anime girls, lettuce, Stacy's mom?! Or us." Drew stares at the monopoly board, unable to look into the blonde's eyes. It was quiet for a split second, and then-

"What if i did like you?"

Drew's pov:

"what if i did like you"..wait. what? i'm probably just hearing things.. I lift my gaze from the monopoly board, to those caramel brown eyes of his.. My face is burning. I feel hot.

I always knew I liked Jake. But if anybody were to ask-I would deny it, lie, change the topic, or hide it-the reason I'm dating Zoey..to hide my small crush (not that small drew) from people..i mean-why else would I date her? Her personality is no good.. sure she's pretty-ish.. but the real reason? she's basically the female versions of Jake, just a lot ruder. Everybody knows that she's just using me.(even I know) But-I can't just end it with her.. sure i've seen her cheating countless times, but we've been together for years. I can't just end it now.. It would be a jerk-ish thing to do.

..she can spread rumors and lies faster than wildfire. Who knows what secret (or lie) could get out about me. plus- i don't mind the attention every once in a while..

Jake's pov:

We have been staring at each other for quite a bit now.. his eyes... then i just fully process what I just asked Drew. why the fuck did I say that? what is wrong with me! shitshitshitshit shit. Think of something! and fast... "hypothetically, of course.." I can feel myself burning up. I'm probably redder than ever right now.. nice save Sterling. I smirk at my brilliance-Drew will never suspect a thing.

I hear drew clear his throat- either somethings stuck in his throat and he needs to cough, or he's trying to get my attention. "well, uh.. what if I liked you back?" There's a pause, and then Drew adds- "hypothetically speaking.." At this point-I'm already extremely red.-and I keep getting redder with every word he says.. And surprisingly- Drew is just as red. I must be making him uncomfortable.. But its-its now or never. right? here goes nothing...

"Drew.." I look at him in the eyes. ..why is he so pretty? "What if-.." I take a deep breath, i'm ready. "What if this wasn't hyp-" ..I'm cut off..-his phone is ringing. "..zoey" he mumbles. Zoey. I forgot about her.. She's drew's girlfriend, drew is inlove with her. she is a cheating scumbag,-she's the constant reminder that I can never ever date Drew.

Drew's pov:

I decide not to answer.. Jake was about to say something. Every time something is about to happen some damn phone rings.. I don't want to ruin another "moment".. so I silence my phone. Not like anybody would call me anyway.. I look up-back at Jake-who seems angry, disappointed, and heartbroken all that the same time- odd... " sorry-you were about to say something?" Jake snaps back into reality, "oh! uh-right! well dre-" he's cut off- again. Not by a cell phone, but by a bark.Oreo

I normally hate dogs. I would pick adorable -but dangerous- lazy house cats over dogs any day of the week. But I'll make a exception for Oreo. Can you blame me? Oreo is the sweetest dog in the history of dogs! Never bites, (unless its play biting) barely barks, super smart, never scratches, and for some reason, Oreo does not trust henry and liam,-So jake and I take him on walks alone. No rants about how annoying some Mineta character from 'My Hero Academia' is.

Jake's pov:

Oreo runs past me, and straight into Drew's lap. Oreo loves Drew. Drew was the only one that knew the right spots to scratch Oreo. (the only one.. not even my mom and I know where to pet him) .. "Awh! I forgot you had a dog! Who's a good boy?" Drew (of course) found the right spot to pet Oreo, and soon enough Oreo was licking Drew's hand while his foot went up and down.

Drew looks so.. cute right now. I'll confess to him another day...

chapter one- end.

word count - 1063.

(jake's ringtone- Mr.Brightside!By The Killers One of my all time favorite songs )

goodnight! -andrew

Hypothetically, what if- (a drake tmf story )Where stories live. Discover now