Alone. (1.3)

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Drews pov:

      in the corridors, alone.

      Jake dragged me away from the group. He was clearly uninterested (and uncomfortable) ..and who can blame him? Lia staring at him like they're both so inlove made me embarrassed. We speed-walked for a bit, then ended up in an empty corridor, alone. He still held on to my hand, I don't think he realizes.. his hand is cold.. it was nice, refreshing.. i like it.. (gee creepy much?) 

      ..I'm so tired, I want to sleep..

Liams pov:

      Jake had grabbed Drew's hand and left, those two are so madly inlove with eachother. ..But they don't realize. its.. sad. "I think Jake hates me." Lia stated. She was obviously talking to Zoey. She couldn't care less about Henry or me. She really hates being near us i guess. "Don't worry Lia! You'll always have me!" Henry had told her-extremely confident. Lia probably forgot the two of us were here... She just rolled her eyes and instead of her usual comment about his height, or just anything rude, she just walked away- with Zoey right next to her.

      "She only walked away! That's an improvement !! I totally have a chance!" Henry was extremely happy right now. Don't know why because Lia- is a jerk.. I look over at Henry-who is smiling ear to ear. He looks really.. cute right now.. "heh, totally.. Now uh-let's go catch up to Drew and Jake" We walked for quite a bit, and then we found them-in the corridors. alone. holding hands. Did they finally confess to eachother? Did I no longer have to suffer being the only one that knows their giant crushes on eachother? I need to find out.. "You really enjoy holding Drew's hand huh Jake?" He looked at me confused, realized what he was doing, and turned a bright shade of pink. Jake really is a in real life peach.. (Drew was also blushing..) Jake let go of Drews hand, "s-sorry I didn't realize.." He stuttered out. "Yeah-no.. its fine.." The two avoided eye contact, they were both way too embarrassed.

      I guess nothing happened between the two of them.. I gotta think of something to help-maybe a blind date, or -or something! ..Henry wanted to get in on the teasing, "So Jake! When are you gonna ask out daisy? Or would you rather date Drewy-bear instead?" Henry started to lightly laugh.. his laugh is cute. I looked over at the two, Jake looked like he was holding back words, and Drew looks like he got a reality check. Jake's not going to ask out Daisy. He doesn't want Daisy, he wants Drew. Why else hasn't he asked her out? His confidence is just as big as the ocean. This is getting really hard to watch.

      Drews pov:

      Right. Jake wanted to date (even marry) Daisy. Everything he does is for Daisy. Abandon your friends, for daisy. hang out with some club, for daisy. Chose little miss uptight over me! for dai- ..he didn't need  to chose Hailey over me. Why did he do that? "So can you leave" ..Those words stung. He preferred some club over me. "I've been waiting long enough." wait, what? what are you saying Jake? "I.. I'll ask out Daisy!" no.. he sounds for real this time. he's- he's actually gonna ask her. "I'll do it after class"

 chapter three- end.

word count: 557 (hello! two things- 

    -no. 1 -yes this book will eventually have henriam. surprise!!

    -no. 2 -this takes place after ep. 8- before ep. 9)

goodnight! -andrew

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