Free period. (1.2)

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3rd person pov:

    at school, friday.

      Henry, Liam, Lia, Zoey, Drew, and jake (also known as the 'popular kids') all stand in the hallway. There's about 13 minutes left of free period, and just about everybody is bored. Well, everybody besides Henry and Liam-who has nothing better to do than fight over some damn computer game.

      Zoey was leaning against Drew, scrolling through tiktok. Jake was staring at the wall-living in his own world of thoughts. "You agree with me-right jake?" Henry needed Jake's opinion in order to win the argument. "Jake~?" Henry sang out- no response. "Jake!" Everyone jumped at the sudden noise, "ugh- can't you talk about something else- somewhere  else?" Zoey grumbled. She was obviously extremely annoyed at the two. It went quiet-Liam wanted to say something  but he didn't know what. Then it came to him- "you two (drew and jake) have been in your own worlds for a while now.." Liam pointed out-obviously teasing them. 

      But he did have a point- Drew and Jake hadn't been talking this whole time. It was unlike them. "Did you two kiss on your date~?" Henry teased, and gave the two a smug grin. "Date?" Zoey looked at drew-unable to tell if those idiots were joking, or being serious. Drew and Jake turned bright red-"it wasn't a date.. more like a.." Drew couldn't find the right words to say, luckily Jake (Drew's knight in shining armor) came to rescue him.

      "a friendly hangout at my house" There was an awkward pause, and attempting to break the ice, Jake added "Drew forgot I had a dog." They all somewhat lightly laugh, Lia looks like she's about to say something stupid. "You have a dog? That's super hot." Jake and Lia just stared at each other, not in a romantic-the background turns into a galaxy, super emotional, life changing stare. But the kind that gives everybody second-hand embarrassment. "Yeah-uhm thanks?" Jake who is clearly uncomfortable with the situation, and is looking for a way out-grabs Drew's hand and says "c'mon, lets get to our classes early!" and quickly leaves the scene, dragging drew along.

chapter two- end.

352 words, (i know its super short-I was running out of time, and ideas.)

      goodnight!! -andrew

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