a kiss for the price of heartbreak. (4.9)

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i'm so sorry that last chapter was so uncalled for 💀

3rd person pov:

  "Watch me."

  Henry made his way over Jake, attempting to maintain eye contact. (Jake on the other hand was trying to avoid eye contact.) 

  "Get ready to kissy kiss pookie" Henry teased, getting closer towards Jake, trying his best to hold in his laughter.

  "What the hell." 

  "Liam you're back!" Henry yelled, stopping immediately, and running over to Liam. 

  "Don't even try to talk to me after that stunt you pulled," He said, fake tearing up. "I can't believe you would cheat on me." 

  "No pookie! I didn't mean it!!!" 

  "Don't. Talk. To. Me." Liam said as he dramatically wiped a tear off his cheek.

  On his knees, Henry begged for forgiveness. "I might forgive you if you give me a kiss," Liam told him. Henry got up, walked on over and pecked him on the cheek.

  "..Andd this is where I'm leaving." Drew chimed, and closed the door after him, Jake quickly following behind.

  "Happy?" Henry asked, half teasing, half wishing something else could happen. 

Liam's pov:

  'He actually just kissed me. On the cheek.'

  'Henry. ACTUALLY. Just kissed me.'




  "Wow." I murmured. "Maybe you should kiss me on the lips." I half joked before I could catch myself. I don't know if it would be as a joke, I don't know platonically or not, I just want to kiss him. A lot. 

  It quickly settled in what I just told him. Panic slowly settling in as the thoughts of us actually kissing crept in my head. I don't know how to kiss. I've never kissed a guy. The only girl I kissed broke up with me a day after.

  I quickly realized that Henry might not realize that I said that as a joke. (Not a joke, but I should play it off as a joke.) This might ruin our 7 year friendship. 


  Before I could even correct myself. Henry broke the silence.

"Maybe I should," Henry replied, looking straight at me. 

  'What the fuck am I doing????'

  "Yeah, maybe you should." I responded, looking right back. 

   He began walking closer to me, and I held him. With my left hand holding his, the other on his waist with his hand resting on my arm. I learned forward, awaiting for him to pull away, or burst out laughing, but nothing came. He just waited, watching my lips. 

  "..May I?" I asked, double checking. He lifted his hand off my arm and put it on my cheek. "We may."

  I leaned towards him, and finally,

  We kissed.

  "This is platonic, right?" Henry asked when the kiss broke. "Like how people 'kiss the homies goodnight' that's us right? Cause we're homies?"


word count: 460

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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