Confession (2.5)

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Jake's pov::

      I read the letter, 'If I could tell him, how he's everything to me.. But we're a million worlds apart. I don't  know how I would even start..'  ..him? him? who's he? "Are you done yet? You're taking forever. ..can I see it?" Drew asked. Drew.. Drew. oh god.. maybe I am inlove with Drew.. "UH.. nonononono! it's so bad haha.." I fake a grin at him, but it wont trick him. Drew's too smart for that. "It cant be that bad.." he replies, rolling his eyes. "oh but it is that bad." we lock eye contact, then he yanks it out of my hand. Before unfolding it I yell, "No! Drew!" and grab it back. I crumble it up. Just to be safe.. "It is that bad. Trust me." ..Drew can't see it. If he did, I would have to explain so much.. he would find out.. and he would hate me. I cant lose Drew.

      The bell finally  rang, class was over. Drew followed behind me, now I know for a fact that something's wrong. He always walks infront of me, and on the way out, I toss the crumbled up love letter towards the garbage bin, and walk out.

Drew's pov::

      Jake grabs the paper back. He doesn't have to tell me everything, but I wouldn't make fun of him for a love letter... no matter how cheesy it is. Why would he hide it?  The bell rings, and I don't feel like leading, so I follow behind Jake. Before we get out of the classroom, Jake throws the paper towards the garbage, but he misses and it falls on the floor next to it. He doesn't notice, or he does but he just doesn't care. I know I shouldn't be doing this... but.. I pick up the paper and put it in my hoodie pocket, then run up to catch up to Jake.

      We meet up with Henry and Liam, who remind Jake that he has to go ask out Daisy. "Oh! Riiight... I- uh.. I'll go do it!" We all make eye contact, "Alright, well goodluck dude!" Henry yells, then Jake backs away, then runs off to go find Daisy. "He's not gonna do it" Henry instantly says. Liam looks over at him, "I don't know bro, he sounded pretty confident earlier," Liam fights back.  

      The two keep debating weather Jake's going to do it, or he's a chicken. Then they both turn to look at me, "What do you think Drew?" They both say-in sync. "I honestly don't care." They look at me, then at eachother, then back at me. "Jealous much?" Henry teases. "What! Don't be stupid." I know for a fact that I'm blushing.

      A couple minutes later, Jake finally comes back, unfazed. "You didn't ask her, did you?" Henry asks, and Jake stays silent for a bit, just standing there. A part of me is happy that he didn't ask. It saved him embarrassment of getting rejected, and maybe gave me a chance. But the other part of me is extremely upset at myself. He's my friend. I should be helping him get his crush... Jake puts his hand on the back of his neck. "Well.." and begins to tell a story.

Jake's pov::

      I walk away from the jomies, to go find Daisy. I know where her locker is, so I head towards that. Maybe I can confess to her, then add how I used to like her. Or say that I don"t want to date, or maybe create some sort of agreement. Or if everything goes wrong, we date for a couple weeks, then I would break up with her! But that would be a jerk move.. I walk for a little more, then find her talking to Sean. I don't want to easdrop.... but...

      "And I know you don't feel the same, but I feel like I just needed to get it off my chest. And if you feel the same way. Daisy.." Sean was holding a yellow daisy, took a deep breath, then,

       "Would you be my girlfriend?"

chapter five- end.

word count:: 673 words.

hi!! so sorry for not writing for a while, I've been really busy. Anyway-hope you enjoyed the chapter!! goodnight! -andrew

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