Chats. (3.7)

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(just a fyi-in the past chapter, jake mumbled "yet" underneath his breath, and milly heard. this is what thats about.)

seans pov::

      I was working on the track that we (the music club) had planned on using for the competition, when suddenly Milly burst into the room laughing, teasing the blushing Jake that walked in behind her.

      "It's really not that funny!!" He denied, which only caused Milly to laugh more. "Yes it is! You guys will not believe what just happened!!" She grinned, then pointed over at Jake, "Mr.Simp over here li-mhmkahwkm!!!" she was cut off by a panicked jake,who was still blushing, covering her mouth, preventing her from saying anything else.

      The two had stared at eachother, angrily. (but in a friendship teasing way) Their squabble could go on, but Hailey interrupted, "As much as I would love to find out what had happened.. Time is a valuable thing-and we cant waste it. So be mature for once and let it go." 

      Jake grinned,due to his success, and ran over to his microphone with a "yes ma'am!!" 

      Milly made eye-contact with me, mouthed "I'll text you later" silently, and ran over to her guitar. 

TimeSkip!! (still seans pov)

      I pulled out my phone with the intention to listen to music (to drown out the argument going on in the room right next to mine) and was welcomed to 35+ messages from the groupchat titled:: "JAKES A SIMP HAHAH" 'Somebody must have changed it.. it was originally The Music Club..


SingerSimp: Milly! Insaear- If you say ANYTHING!

Mills: dont worryyy i wont say anythingfg

Mills: yet.


SingerSimp: Milly!! Its honestly not THAT funny cmon. :'(

GrapeLord: Either spit it out, or shut up. ❤️

Mills: okok. lets hust say that jakey over hete is pretty fruity.

Aliteralpuppy: Fruity? 

me:like a fruit? I mean, yeah I guess he does look like a peach..

GrapeLord: Is that it? That he looks like a peach?

Hailstorm: He does look like apeach.. Y'know, Jake. I've always wondered-is your hair natural or dyed?

Hailstorm: a peach*


Aliteralpuppy: Not joking. What's fruity?

GrapeLord: No?

Hailstorm: np

Hailstorm: ni*

Hailstorm: no**

me: no

SingerSimp: OH THSNK ROSY.  ':)

Mills: you guys are boomers. ughhjh  


      I chuckled to myself at the comment Milly had just made, then headed over to Spotify and hit shuffle on my favorite playlist. I was about halway into my favorite song, when I got a text from the clubs guitarist-the pink haired devil. Milly.


Mills:  bro!! today, i was teasing jake about him and drews realationshio!! he was so red!!! lmao. anyway jake was like : "were not dating" or somthing like that then he added "yet" AKKAHEHEHE CAN U BELIEVE IT?? JAKE ACTUALLY LIKES DREW!!!! 😼

me: and you're sure??


me: alright then!!


      And almost immediately after I had hit send, Jake had messaged the group chat;


SingerSimp: You guys have been quiet for a whilr..

SingerSimp: Wait.


me: No, Milly hasn't said anything

me: yet.

me: lol.


     That was the last message I sent before I muted the club-knowing my phone would soon start blowing up with Milly and Jake's argueing.. 

----end of chapter----

hey! so i know i havent been updating as often, but with the new year coming up-im going to try my hardest to post more often!! 

the next chapter will be more focused on the jomies attention, (the sleepover..) and spoiler alert! a new couple perhaps? 

that new chapter will be as long as possible, and be out as soon as possible. 

sorry for the whole "not posting for like a month thing" im trying to work on that and fix that! 

and also-if i get the confidence to post the first chapter, maybe new book? 

well-thats it. good night !! -andrew. ( 625 words )

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