Panic. (2.4)

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(warning!! this has child neglection , mentions of death, and possible eating disorder? ..with that being said-please enjoy :) ..sorry it took so long haha.. also this is the longest one I have ever done)

jakes pov:

      "I'll do it after class." ...why did i say that? Sure Daisy is nice, and pretty but Drew- my friend. I- I don't have a crush on Drew.. I don't think. wait. wait a minute.. I just said I'm going to ask out Daisy. Why did I say that??  Now I have to ask her out, or I'll be a chicken. ..ugh I'm so stupid..

      "Wait. Really? Like actually??" Henry asked- he clearly doesn't believe me. "How are you gonna ask her?" I wish I didn't have to ask her.. "Oh! uhh.." Liam looks at me shocked, and confused. Drew is just quiet. I look over at him, and he avoids eye contact. ..did I do something? "Are you gonna sing to her?" Drew teases, still upset. "What? No !!" I can feel my face burning up- I hate this feeling.. "I-I.. I'll just ask her! Maybe I'll give her a daisy from the school garden-I don't know!" Drew laughs a little.. his laugh is cute.. in a friend way! "Don't do that-as funny as it is thar her name is daisy, and you are giving her a daisy, daises aren't the best flower to go with when asking somebody out. The center is yellow, which is the color of friendship, (am i foreshadowing something? maybe i am.. :) ) they aren't exactly the most aesthetically pleasing, and people have probably done it to her millions of times. Maybe go wi-" Drew cuts himself off. Everybody is staring at him. "Drew- I never knew you knew so much about flowers.." Liam points out. I didn't know either.. its really cute how he just started to ramble on like that.. Drew started to blush-he was clearly embarrassed. "I don't know that much.." He's trying to cover it up..

Drews pov:

      "You don't need to hide it! I think it's cute" Jake said, then smiled. ..cute? he thinks its cute?? Jake just stood there- doing some dumb smile. Henry and Liam just stared, and I'm waiting for the moment he realizes what he just told me. His face goes red- There it is. "cool! I meant cool! Sorry, I was uhm.. thinking about Daisy! yeah.. hahah.. I meant cool.." ..right. Daisy. Jake was getting extremely defensive-and before I could say anything else, the bell rang, free period was over, and it was time to get to our next class.

      I knew everybodys schedule by now, Jake and I had french, Liam had History, and Henry had to go to theater. Most of the time our classes were in pairs, it was really nice, I was almost never alone. ..unlike at my house..  Luckily, French class was right next door. The hallway started piling up with students, some walking, some running, some not even moving, and some walking slower than snails. i'm not even lying right now. they are going 0.02 miles per hour. It was getting crowded, and hard to walk. god i hate this hallway.. I felt Jake grab onto my sleeve, and pull me through the hallway in the classroom, and he was yet again-holding onto my hand. Except this time, he didn't let go. 

(help i dont know why but i love that ending like aghh 💕💕)

jakes pov:

      I pulled Drew through the hallway, and not even surprised  he was extremely light.. he needs to eat more.. I should talk to him about that.. I decided to not let go of his hand, I like holding onto it.. as a friend. We walked over to our desk, and sat down. Drew let go and we started up a conversation about hanging out later, maybe a sleepover, and playing 'The Untitled Goose Game' our favorite game to play with eachother. (we see if we can fully beat the game, or how fast we can beat it. We hold one of the top 10s on fastest people to beat it) Eventually, the second bell rings, and class had to start. Mrs. Waffleabs (..waffle-abs. get it?) hurried up and did the attendance, and then she started rambling on about how she can't take care of houseplants, and always ends up killing them. (in french)

      Her rant was extremely uninteresting, and honestly-just made me want to leave school even more. I looked over at Drew, who was doodling on his hand. He looks a little out of it.. Like something or someone is bothering him.. And because we're both bored, and have nothing better to do,(Mrs. Waffleabs is still rambling on about how she killed Camille the Cactus)  I start up a conversation-through notes. 

      (Drew's notes are italic, Jake's are normal .)

'Bro, how many houseplants has she killed?' I pass it over to drew, and he is obviously annoyed, but he grabs it and writes back.

'Too many to count, Poor Gerald'

'Who's Gerald? There's more!?..I thought we were talking about Camille right now..'

'That's before Addy..'

'Addy? ugh this teacher..'

'How many have you missed?'

'A lot. I've been thinking.'

'Yeah. I guess.'    I was about to bring up how he knows so much about flowers and plants, but I look at what he wrote. He used periods.. He only does that when something's wrong. So, I write back..

'You ok? u only use periods when somethings wrong. everything okay?'

'yea.. just tired. Plus it's stupid.'

'It's stupid? So there is something bothering you! Im sure it's not stupid.. you can tell me' I was about to hand the note to Drew, when our teacher yells out, "Drew and Jake! You better be passing those love notes to eachother in French!" The whole class laughs, and I am so embarrassed.. "Sorry ma'am!"'s probably not the best time to pass that note back to Drew. The teacher continues to ramble, and my mind takes me to another world.

Drews pov:

Love letters? The teacher ships the two of us? I already found out that Jake likes Daisy.. now I have the class laughing! this day just can't get any worse. "Sorry ma'am!" Jake gives a cocky grin, sits back down, and stares out the window, already in his own world. I go back to doing whatever it is that I was doing before. ..this is going to be a long class..

one hour and seventeen minutes later

3rd person pov:

"Okay class! We have thirteen minutes left of this period, and normally I let you do this, but because I have nothing else to say- do whatever your hearts desire the rest of the period." Mrs.Waffleabs declares to the class. Other students start playing whatever games aren't blocked on their chrome books yet, or watch some basketball game from years ago. Jake snaps out of his world, and looks over at Drew, and Drew looks back. "So, you gonna ask out Daisy?" Drew teases, "Oh! shit! I forgot about that!!" Jake panics, and looks around, looking for whatever he can do to ask her out. Drew laughs at him, "Oh gosh, you really are hopeless." Drew grabs a piece of light pink paper, and his fanciest pen (most expensive aswell) "here. Write her a love letter in french. French is really romantic, and if she knows french then that's great. But if she doesn't, then she'll go home and translate it, and then she'll find out what it means." Drew offers, and honestly, its not a bad idea.. So Jake starts writing a love poem.

After a while of writing, Jake stares back at his work. He wrote an entire thing, and it's super adorable, and romantic-ish. His handwriting could be better, but that doesn't matter. Jake re reads it, and then he looks like he's about to cry. He was really in the moment of writing that letter, and he spent so long just thinking about some line. And it turned out horrible. Not that its bad or anything, just that it's not even a bit about Daisy. Because Jake.. Jake wrote about Drew.

chapter four-end.

(word count:: 1454 words.

honestly, I was going to continue, but I decided that this was a good stoping point. I am so sorry that this took so long to come out! I decided I wouldn't post on weekends, and I was going to post yesterday, but it just wasn't ready. two things:

no. 1- jake has been convincing himself that he doesn't like drew, its a slow burn, but by the end- drake will be canon in this book!!

no. 2- I actually love the headcanon that drew loves plant related things, and knows a lot about flowers and plants. so be prepared to see more of that!) goodnight!! -andrew

Hypothetically, what if- (a drake tmf story )Where stories live. Discover now