Confession p.2 (2.6)

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Jake's pov::

      "Would you be my girlfriend?"Sean asked daisy, who looked shocked, and to be honest, kinda sad. Woah. I never thought that Sean and Daisy would ever date.. but I guess that clears up my problem. I hope that they're happy together. "Oh Sean.. You're a great guy-really!! I love every playlist that you've sent me-but you should.. know something..." Daisy said, sad-smiling.. Wait. Is she rejecting Sean?? No way- "You like me as a friend. Don't worry- I completely understand!! I jus-" He was about to finish his sentance, but Daisy cut him off. "Yes! I like you as a friend- a really good friend.. But- Oh I should have told you.. but I- uhm.. I'm actually lesbain... and dating Sadie.." Daisy muttered that last bit, but both Sean and I heard. Sean looked about as shocked as I am. "I am so sorry Sean!! I should have told yo-" he laughed it off, interrupting her"oh Daisy-good for you two!! You don't need to apologize though.. friends?" He said, holding the daisy in his hand, gesturing it towards her. "I would like that.." She accepted the daisy, and smiled. I back away, Never thought that Daisy and Sadie were a thing.. I thought they just knew eachother.. Oh well... I guess I have Drew- wait.

      I walk back over to the jomies, trying to act defeated,like she rejected me, but I'm a horrible actor, so the second I came back they knew. "You didn't ask her-did you?" Henry immediately says, and I stop my failing act. I put my hand behind the back of my neck, "Well.." and I tell my story, leaving them all in shock. Liam looked- relieved?? Does he know something I don't?? "She said that???" Henry almost yelled- and I quickly shushed him. "Guys I don't think she wants other people to know!! But yes.. She did.. I think I'm over Daisy anyway.." Henry looks even more shocked- Drew just stares, and Liam looks like he already knew. "Drew's probably happy to hear that.." Henry teases, with a smug look. "Shut up." Drew immediately snaps back, rolling his eyes. We all stand there for a bit, then Drew brings up the sleepover he's planning to happen tonight, and we all, of course, agree. 

Drews pov::

      Henry and Liam exchange glances, then start talking," We'll leave you two alone- give you that time you need to talk about love~" They tease, laughing. Although-Liam does look like he means every word he says. I know that they're teasing, but I feel like I need to fight back, but Jake beats me. "What? Nononono. We don't need alone time!" And in response, they just back away. We stand awkwardly for a bit, then Jake brings up the other night. "You know- you never answered my question.." huh?  "What question?" I mumble, he takes a deep breath and goes pink. "What-What if I did like you?" He stutters, and I can feel my cheeks burning. Is this a love confession?? Did Liam and Henry know about this?? Oh I cannot believe I'm doing this. "Answer mine first- what if I did like you?"  He thinks for a bit, then speaks. "The  I would.. i dont know, I would kiss you?" Kiss me??  "Would  you kiss me?" I mumble, both of us are both red as fuck, and his eyes gaze down to look at my lips. "Do you like me?" I turn redder, and he does too. His eyes light up like that was the answer-but I really can't ruin this friendship. I was thinking about confessing, but now? No. "As a friend? Uh-yeah. But lovers? That would- That would be stupid.." I mumble, and He looks down. Both of us stop blushing.. "Yeah.. Stupid." Is he- is he disappointed? "Wel-" I was about to change the topic, when a pink haired devil runs up to him, and hugs him from behind. "Jake!! We need you in the music club. Right. Now!! You can talk to your emo boyfriend later." Jake and I blush, " He is not my boyfriend!!" then he mumbles something under his breath, that I didn't end up hearing. But Milly did and her face lights up-then she starts laughing. "H-Hey! It's not funny!!" He whole face turns pink- and he turns around to face me, "Drew- I gotta go.. See you tonight?" Jake stands there- looking into my eyes, his blush slowing fading away. "Yeah- go have fun with the club.. See you later." Jake smiles, does a peace sign, and backs away with Milly, teasing him. Leaving me- alone. (cue the president perfect music >:))

chapter six-FINALLY done !!!!!! words:: 921

      Yes-It's finally done!! I am so sorry for not posting this sooner, my motivation completely disappeared. But I fought through having no motivation, and FINALLY finished the chapter!!! And it was pretty fun to make. There are three things I must say about thsi chapter though.

1) During the whole "would you kiss me?" I was foghting so hard to make them not kiss. Honestly I don't know how it would turn out if I made them kiss.. (That would be a good one shot idea tho??)

2) I dont think I would meantion it, but Jake mumbled "Yet" underneath imhis breath-And milly heard!!!

3) This was originally going to be a gacha series on my yt, (the one i cancelled a while back) and that part actually was going to be a 'president perfect' music video lmao.

      Anyways- I hope you enjoyed!! ily, and goodnight!! -Andrew

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