Chapter 3: Hunt

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Tommy managed to convince Wilbur to leave his room after he finished hiding all evidence of his new identity. He dragged the elder downstairs, blissfully unaware of the predator that is his brother.

"Guys! Guys!" he called out when he approached near where Techno and Phil sat, causing Wilbur to flinch. He was still adjusting to all the new noise, of course, and hearing his family's heartbeats and breathing did not help any. Wilbur was glad, however, that vampires' hearing did not go as far as to hear their intestines at work. He nearly gagged at the thought.

"Guess who I kidnapped!"

"Wilbur! You're out and about," Phil spoke, voice full of love and surprise. "Glad to see you, mate." Wilbur gave a meek nod in gratitude, matched with a small smile, as Tommy shoved him down onto the grey couch.

Wilbur tensed, his twin's gaze studying him. Wilbur knew he did not have to be worried, his twin trusted him completely and always studied him after his episodes to ensure he was actually alright. Even then, he couldn't keep down the fear. What if he realizes? What if he knows? Will his voices rat Wilbur out? Will he declare me a vampire and have me killed? Kill me himself because I'm now a threat to the family and the human race?

"Who did it?" his twin suddenly growled out, brown eyes a forest fire of anger. Wilbur jumped, shocked.

"Huh? What—What do you mean?" he questioned, tensing even further as panic filled his body. Oh, fuck, oh, fuck. He knows, he knows. He knows somebody turned Wilbur, and while he may not be angry at Wilbur, he's angry at his Sire—wait. He's not angry at Wilbur or attacking him?

"Who the fuck did it, Wilbur? You only behave like that after these episodes when someone truly hurt you, like Sally. Who hurt you? I'll take care of them, you know I have the power!"

Wilbur had to stop himself from relaxing and sighing in relief at his brother's words whilst his father and Tommy joined in. Thank Lady Death! He doesn't know. Wilbur's safe.

Wilbur offered a small smile in his twin's direction, the very person that's threatening Wilbur's life unknowingly. Paranoia creeping up, he tried to make sure his "baby fangs," as Quackity deemed them, visible to his overly–observant brother. "I'm fine, Techno. Sorry, I'm just still recovering."

"'Recovering'?" Tommy interrupted, a firm eyebrow raised, arms crossed. "From what?"

Wilbur gave a meek smile. "I was sick for a few days."

"You were sick?" Phil asked, suddenly worried, both him and Technoblade jumping to take care of him. "I'll get you some soup, Techno, make sure he rests. You still have to recover, Wilbur."

"Guys, I'm fine! I promise!" Wilbur insisted. "I swear!"

The two halted slightly, seemingly hesitant about giving in. "Well, if you say so. You wouldn't lie to us, right, Wilbur? You wouldn't hide anything from us?"

Now Wilbur knew their intentions, the meaning of their pestering. They wanted to know if he'd say he was fine even if he wasn't, if he'd hide his sickness to he could not any longer like he's done before. But it didn't help nor prevent the gut–wrenching guilt stirring inside, knowing he was no longer the Wilbur they knew—Wilbur the human. He could not afford to tell them, he had to keep it a secret and with that came lying whenever necessary.

Phil was, after all, the top Vampire Hunter before Techno took his place. Tommy was now following their lead, sure to take the position as soon as Technoblade retires. It didn't matter if Wilbur was their beloved family member, he was now a vampire—he was now their enemy, the very thing they swore to destroy and murder the very last living creature of. And Quackity had alerted him to the fact of how Fledglings are their main victims, the ones caught early on and brutally killed before even turning twenty–five. Survival was necessary, he had to survive, no matter the circumstances—that included betraying the ones that loved him most.

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