Chapter 4: Acceptance

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The Minecraft family surrounded the dinning room table. Night was coming near, and Wilbur was tapping his foot in impatience. Tommy chatted away beside him, Phil and Techno listening and responding appropriately, while he stared at the sun through the window.

Now, the sun still irritated him, still made him tense and want to run in the other direction. However, he was eager for the sun to fall, to conclude dinner and round everyone up to bed. Phones were not permitted at the table, so checking the time was not an option—it would only lead to attention being on him and then questioning their antics.

Wilbur nearly gasped in excitement as he saw Quackity in the tree line before disappearing. His tapping speed only sped up even further, an uncontrollable grin on his face as he listened in for Quackity and tried to locate him once more. He brushed Tommy off as he began calling his name to ensure he was listening, too excited about Quackity's arrival.

"Wilbur! Come on, I want to tell you a story about my new friends!"

"Shut up, Tommy!" Wilbur growled before he could stop himself, snapping his direction in his direction. He caught the flinch from Tommy, the surprise in all of them as their eyes widened. For a moment, everything stood stand still, the humans shocked at their beloved family member's sudden outburst.

Wilbur had always been calm, the one that got angry the least. He would remain collected in times even Phil himself, the master of remaining calm, would become frustrated at the very least. In all his years, no one had heard an outburst from Wilbur. A few of his past friends, friends from years ago, even tried to piss him off to see what he was like, only to fail miserably.

So why did he snap now? Especially at Tommy? Nothing was happening to have even pissed him off. What changed? Why is he behaving like this?

As Wilbur processed what he'd done, he began to panic and feel guilty. There was no way in hell that they wouldn't realize something's up now. And not even that, but he snapped at Tommy. His younger brother who had done no wrong, but now facing the consequences of being excited to tell his elder brother a story whilst he was distracted.

"Tommy," he began, slowly reaching a hand out. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

"Why?" Tommy suddenly asked, confusion and sadness in his eyes. Wilbur's eyes widened as Tommy became angry and determined to get an answer out of him, obviously trying to prevent the tears welling up in his eyes from becoming a waterfall. "Why'd you yell at me? What happened? What'd I do to you?"

Wilbur flinched, removing his hand for a second before placing it back on his shoulder firmly. "I didn't mean to. I was distracted, and you were pulling my attention away. I'm sorry, you didn't do anything wrong. Please forgive me." He could feel his phone blowing up in his back pocket, wincing as he realized Quackity most presumably witnessed the scene he caused.

"'Distracted'?" Tommy pressed. Thankfully, his anger seemed to be dying down, while confusion took reign. Unfortunately, with that befuddlement came suspicion. "You being distracted would never have caused you to snap at me! The most you'd do is tell me to leave you be for a bit!"

Wilbur began to panic, subconsciously stepping back as Techno joined in, Phil watching from the sidelines.

"He's right, Wilbur. You haven't been acting like yourself lately. You don't get angry, especially not over something so small such as this. And you've been secretive lately. What are you hiding?"

As Wilbur's eyes began to dart around, terror and instincts screaming at him to leave, get the hell out of there. Phil interrupted, attempting to calm the fight.

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