Chapter Eleven: They Know

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"They know," Wilbur blurted numbly when Quackity entered the room. Wilbur thought distantly that it must've been at least nearly an entire day, but he wasn't too sure. He kept staring at that message, wondering what it entailed, what it meant.

Are they planning on killing him? Do they want him gone—dead? Do they truly know, or is this some sick, cruel joke?

"Who knows what?" Quackity asked, concerned, eyebrows furrowing as he walked towards his fledgling. He put a gentle hand on his shoulder, Wilbur's breathing hitching as his thumb grazed his collarbone. "Wilbur?"

Wilbur turned the phone around for him to see, allowing him to read it. "They know you're a vampire."

Quackity's face paled. "How....? I've been so careful...."

Wilbur shrugged, turning his phone off and setting it down as he stood up. "I'm not sure—they might have been stalking you? Or the Essempi Coven, and spotted you. But we need to focus on what this means, Q—you can die. I don't want you to die." Wilbur's voice broke, Quackity's eyes softening as he enveloped him into a hug.

"Hey, it'll be fine. I'll be alright. I've survived this long, yeah? Your brother and father won't be the end of me, promise. Okay?"

"You don't know that. Quackity, I've seen them with my own two eyes. They have no mercyTechno will have no mercy."

Quackity held him tighter as he cried, whispering empty reassurances. "I'll be fine, sunset. We probably won't run into your family until after this whole ordeal's over with, so it'll be okay. We can figure out what to do then, afterwards. Shush, mi amor, I promise everything will be fine. I'll get everything handled, niño bonito."

"How are you so sure...?" Wilbur hesitantly choked out, lifting his head off the shorter's shoulder to look him in the eyes. He only just processed that, at some point in time, Quackity had led him to the seat to allow him to be comfortable whilst matching his height.

Wilbur felt warmth envelop him as his Sire landed a kiss to his head. "Because, beauty, I wouldn't leave you alone in this world for anything." Wilbur focused solely on the man's touch, how he so lovingly traced his jaw, and his soft smile.

Then Quackity began to pull his jaw forward, closing the distance. Wilbur didn't fully process his actions until scarred, rough, addictive lips met his. And suddenly, nothing else mattered, as if time has froze to preserve it all for this moment. He felt whole, he felt complete. He felt loved as Quackity gently guided the soft kiss, a silent confession on its own.

When they parted, Wilbur immediately missed the sensation. He wanted it again, he wanted more—he needed more. Unfortunately for him, his whine wouldn't get him what he wanted today.

"When I told you I wouldn't leave you for anything," he began, Wilbur fluttering his eyes to peer at his love, "I was serious, sunset. I love you, way too much to leave you. So trust me, okay? I won't leave you alone. You're mine, Wilbur, and I like keeping my things with me."

Wilbur melted. He was just so happy—he could feel the giddiness kicking in already. He may have been head–over–heels for the Mister, but he never would've thought that they were returned. It was like a dream come true, a fairytale from children's storybooks. He prayed it would never end.

When those same rough lips met his again, he immediately began returning the kiss as he tightened his hold around Quackity. But then they parted again, Quackity clearing a part of his neck as he trailed down. Wilbur tilted his head, overcome with love and joy as he processed what was happening—Quackity might just be giving him a Lover's Bite.

A Lover's Bite was only the very thing every vampire in a relationship desired. A symbol of your love—it was like a human's marriage. A thing those in love gushed over, a sign of being taken, a ward against other vampires desiring to advance.

"May I give you my Lover's Bite, Wilbur?" Quackity muttered against his neck, preparing it for the bite already. Wilbur nodded energetically.


Quackity chuckled, but said nothing as he bit down.


"Everyone, before we leave, Wilbur and I would like to make an important announcement." Curious, the humans and many vampires crowded into the living room, trying to get comfortable. They knew the vampires most likely overheard last night, but paid no mind—they were waiting for it to be confirmed, for clarification of Wilbur's new title.

"Is it what I think it is?" Niki questioned eagerly, Jack and Puffy lounging on both sides of her. Wilbur rolled his eyes playfully.

"Aren't you supposed to be one of the more patient people?"

"Not when it comes to something as exciting as this!" she chuckled, getting confused looks from the humans as the others joined in on her chuckles.

"Let us announce it, Niki," Quackity pleaded. She nodded, a large grin on her face, as he pulled Wilbur beside him. He cleared his throat, making everything go silent as all attention turned to him. "So I'm sure many of you heard..." another round of chuckles, "but yes, Wilbur is now my lover." He brought the man into a kiss, as per tradition when announcing a Mistress, as cheers rung out, everyone pointedly ignoring Tommy's screams.

"Show us the Bites! Show us the Bites!" some of them began changing, curiosity and joy emitting from them all. The two glanced at each other and chuckled, pulling down their coats to reveal the Lover's Bites they left on each other.

Theirs were much more simple than others may be, but theirs showed just how dangerous they were. Two explosives, the fire connected to both strings at once. While the cheers became louder, Tommy's scream was the loudest.


All attention snapped towards him, and he seemed to shrink under their gaze. He began to shake as he put the puzzle pieces into place.

"Wilby?" Tommy's voice broke, and it made Wilbur's stomach wrench with guilt. "Are you—Are you dating a . . . vampire?"

"Oh, Tommy," Wilbur cooed, grabbing him in his hands once he got close enough. "I am a vampire."

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