Chapter Fifteen: Happy Ending

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It was on the darkest night of the year, the loudest, and the deadliest as well. The fighting was at its point, having been going on for a few weeks now. Covens that survived their wraths or that were near and suspected to be the Essempi Coven's next victims arrived soon after the first battle to join the fight. The Essempi Coven's own allies arrived, well over eight covens of a eighty each, if not more, escalating the fight even more.

Wednesday, the Doomsday for all Hunters and Vampires alike, January sixth. Two hundred Hunters dead, three hundred Vampires dead, but only four hundred total on the Essempi's side. Total wounded was twice that amount, many of them continuing to fight until they dropped.

"WILBUR, PUSH THE BUTTON!" Quackity's screamed as everyone evacuated. Wilbur obeyed with a grin, and everything went up as it all exploded.


As the new most powerful coven in the area, and the ones that sparked the Revolution against the Essempi, the coven leader was taken to Wilbur and Quackity. He was to be sentenced and killed during a ceremony.

Hundred of humans and vampires gathered together, some being wary but many ignoring their differences for the joy of both of their greatest fears being removed. Food and drinks were being passed for the humans, packets of blood for the nonhumans. They chatted and rejoiced as they waited for the two, surrounding the stage they were waiting on.

On the top were the two lovers and leaders of the coven, Wilbur and Quackity Nevadas. They were dressed up at the finest, both wearing expensive jewelry that glittered in the midday sun. Wilbur was wearing a hat that matched closely to his mother's with a thin veil to protect him from the sun as he was still sensitive.

"Dream's about to be brought out," Ranboo warned, now wearing both his sunglasses and his mask to protect himself. Instead of the usual Hawaiian clothing, or just a regular hoodie, he was wearing a suit with red and green, which everyone had been tormenting him about as they're Christmas colours. He scurried away once the two thanked him, and then it began.

"For years," Quackity started his speech, "the Essempi Coven terrorized us—all of us, humans and vampires alike. The one thing that bonded us was our fear over them, yet we were still so divided. But now we have reached a new era, an era of peace and prosperity—an era without the Essempi Coven, an era of where we are united. To fight against them, Covens bonded together for momentary peace, and Hunters joined us as well. During, we found out things about each other—the main one is that we fear each other. We think it's time that's changed. We think it's time we should stop hiding from each other, time to stop murdering each other. Something that resulted from our fear of the Essempi Coven's terrorist ways.

"But today, that changes. Today, they will no longer be an issue. Today, Dream, as long as all survivors from the war a part of his coven, will not be alive any longer! They will pay for the blood they spilt, both mortal and not!"

Cheers were heard as Dream was brought out in heavy chains, chains most likely covered in silver to keep him weak, being pushed and led by prison guards. At the lead was Sam. Behind them were a few other scarce survivors, with less protection and aggression being shown towards.

"KILL THEM," they began chanting—well, mostly. Some humans seemed afraid of the vampires jumps, as well as new fledglings that have yet to learn of the vampiric ways.

"Today, on February twenty–seventh, Dream will face his punishment. He will be tied up for all to punish, and then killed by the time the clock hits five!"


At the sound of Tommy's hesitant voice peeking from the entryway, he excused himself from Schlatt and his group. Many had given in and became vampires as well to Schlatt, Noah being the only one, though they fed on him as a result of supporting some old friend that was discovered to be a pedophile. Another joined their group easily, some vampire called Cooper that Dream had forcibly turned to play the part as his son. The group was chaotic, but the most happy they've been in ages.

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