Chapter Ten: First Accident

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"Wilbur," Quackity grunted out, voice like gravel since he's just woken up. It had Wilbur short–circuiting as he allowed himself to be pulled back into Quackity's tight embrace. "Too early, go back to sleep."

"It's twelve," Wilbur lied. It worked, as Quackity shot up.

"What?" he yelled. Wilbur couldn't control it anymore, and he burst out laughing. "Oh, you fucking liar—!" Quackity continued, making him laugh louder as he began to tickle him.

"Q—Let me—Let me go, Quackity!"

"No! You don't get to wake me up at six and claim it's twelve and get away with it!"

"Guys! Stop flirting! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Foolish grumbled, causing them to freeze.

Foolish, as it'd been revealed, was Puffy's son. He was, for sure, a Mummy's boy. He was always willing to help his mother out, fetching her whatever her heart desired.

Everyone was relieved to see that she wasn't obsessed with her son as many mothers of mummy's–boy's are. She had boundaries with her son, but was willing to give advice whenever she pleased. She absolutely loved Foolish's lovers, Sam and Ponk, and welcomed them with open arms, giving Foolish a light, teasing lecture of treating them right.

Wilbur and Quackity glanced at each other, putting their hands over their mouths to silence their giggles. Whether from the memory or from the moment, it didn't matter much—they were still having fun.

Quackity gently shoved Wilbur. "This is your fault," he whispered, causing Wilbur to gasp dramatically.

"My fault? You're the one who tickled me!"

"You're the one who lied!"

"You weren't letting me up! I was trying to check on the humans!"

"GUYS!" many voices yelled out once, some not even their roommates. They shut up, smiling sheepishly and giggling quietly.

"If you guys are going to flirt, please go downstairs," Niki pleaded. They made playful sounds of anger and offensiveness, but she managed to usher them out anyway.

Noah was the only one to wake up when the two plopped down on the couch. The humans all stayed in the living room, but Wilbur wasn't sure how he felt about it. He trusted them, of course, but not Noah—he wasn't sure what it was, something about him just made him extremely protective over the 'minors' and Tommy. Not as if he was the threat, but as if he would be okay if something was to happen. It made Wilbur feel sick and uneasy when he was near.

"Uh..." Noah's heart was racing as he moved over to the far end of the couch. "What are you two doing down here?"

"Don't worry about it," Wilbur waved him off, giggling at the memory. "You wouldn't get it. It's nothing bad, though."

They sat for a few minutes, Noah tense whilst the two talked in Latin.

Quackity didn't like Noah either.

Suddenly, Quackity stood up. "I'm hungry, how about you, Wilbur?"

"Please feed me," Wilbur responded. "I'm starving."

Quackity nodded, leaving up to their room. Wilbur turned to Noah.

"Listen," he started once Quackity left, even though he knew he could hear him. Noah seemed to tense even further from Wilbur's narrowed eyes. "I don't know if it's hit you yet, but Tommy doesn't know about what we are. We plan on keeping it that way until we're ready. You understand what will happen if you spill the beans, right?" It was an empty threat, but Noah nodded furiously anyway.

"Yes—I won't—We won't say anything. Just keep us alive."

Wilbur smiled, not caring if it was immoral to be amused at his fear. "We're not going to kill you. Any of you—especially not the others. But you will regret it if we were to find out you told him. And trust us, we hear everything. You can't keep it from us."

"Sunset! Stop scaring the humans," Quackity lightly scolded him, a grin evident on his face. Wilbur gave a fake pout as Quackity bit into the bag before passing it to Wilbur, who immediately latched on, before going to his own pouch.

"Quackity," Sam called out after they finished. "We have a problem."

At the grave seriousness of his tone, Quackity stood up immediately, Wilbur's attention also gained. "What do you mean, Sam? What's happened?"

"It's the Essempi Coven. They've eliminated a coven."

"Fuck. They're going after vampires first this time? Why?"

"Because of Schlatt and I," Wilbur interjected as Sam went to respond. "Remember how I told you about the Dream encounter, Q?" The man in question nodded. "Well, he's convinced we're from a small coven hiding on your territory. He's probably trying to kill off the small covens in hopes of finding us and getting revenge for the Hunters defending us."

"He's hunting you?" Quackity growled out loudly, waking up the humans in the living room. They were deep sleepers, but humans still had instincts that told them danger was near.

Wilbur nodded. "Yeah. He wants me dead."

"Not on my fucking watch. Sam, wake up the Charlie and the Ascendants. Tell them we're having an emergency meeting."

"Yes, Mister."


Wilbur huffed, frustrated as he roughly shoved the needle through the fabric. Repairing their clothing was supposed to be a distraction, but it was in inevitable fail.

Is Quackity okay? What if he's harmed? What if he's dying? What if they managed to capture him? What if my family got him? Wilbur shuddered at that last thought, praying to Prime they wouldn't kill him knowing how much Quackity meant to them.

But they don't know, a voice alerted him. You've kept so many secrets lately, how much he meant to you is one of them. They don't know you love him. They'll kill him if they find out.

"Wilbur? Are you okay?" Tommy's voice drew his attention. It was then that he realized how roughly he was gripping the fabric and string, how the tears fell from his eyes.

"Uh—yeah, yeah. Don't worry about me, Toms. Just worried."

"Is this because of your friends leaving for a supply run? 'Cause I'm pretty sure larger numbers are better when in danger. An instructor told me that."

"Well, not with covens. Especially Essempi. I'm not worried something happened." Tommy went to respond, but a notification from Wilbur's phone stopped him. Wilbur was quick to pick it up, praying it wasn't Quackity saying he needed backup. Instead, it was Technoblade.

Don't trust Q! He's a damn vampire!

Wilbur felt his mood drop. Well, shit. What were they going to do now?

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