Buying myself some happiness

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Well, guess I don't really have anything to complain about, even if it's a bit odd. The package has photos of girls that are my age, as well as ones that are even older than me. One of them is squatting down and pushing, which kind of makes me chuckle. Not only do I grab that, but I also decided to pick up a few snacks, and some soda and whatnot. I walked over to the counter, eager to scan out and head home. I was so excited to enjoy these diapers! I placed everything on the counter, with my face turning red as I placed the package of diapers onto the counter alongside my other items. The clerk, who was a cute girl who seemed roughly my age, looked at the diapers, seemingly intrigued by them. 

"Oh, I assume these are for a younger sister? Or perhaps your grandparents" She asked curiously, flashing a sweet smile at me. She scanned the diapers, seemingly intrigued by why I'd want them. I gotta save myself here! This is a cute girl, I don't want to ruin my shot! "Uhm, yeah, they're, uhm, for my little sister! She has a bedwetting problem, and I'd like to help her out!" I replied, nervously, trying to save this situation. She giggled a little bit, which made me think I had messed up somehow. "Awww, it's okay sweetie. I can tell a fellow TBDL from a mile away. These diapers are the best, you made a good choice. Take my number and shoot me a call whenever you feel like it! I bet you're gonna look pretty cute in the diapers, and I'd like a pic or two!" She whispered, while giving a sweet, and honestly adorable smile. I'd be really charmed if it wasn't for the fact she just totally confused me here. She scribbled on a piece of paper, and passed it to me. Upon closer inspection, it just so happened to be her number. "What a sweet girl, just wanting to help her poor sister through some problems! I hope you have a lovely day!" She said, giggling whilst handing me a bag with my items. She flashed that signature smile and waved as I left the store, leaving me in shock.

Even as I drove home, I was still shook to my core. That girl at the store, she just... saw right through me. It does make me feel like a jerk for lying to her, but she backed me up, and made me look good to the people inside the store. I can't get her out of my head, and it honestly made it hard to even focus on the road. Luckily, I made it home in one peace, but I was still shocked by what had happen. She did say she was a fellow Tbdl, and she was pretty cute, possibly girlfriend material, although, I also have a crush on a girl from school. Ugh, guess I have plenty to think about then.

Either way, I was at the house now, and should focus on that now. I grabbed my bags and my keys and unlocked the door. I set my bags onto the kitchen counter, and grabbed my car keys. I walked back out to lock up my car, and headed back inside where I also locked the front door. I took out all the snacks and drinks I had purchased and put them away in the cupboard and fridge respectively, besides for one soda. I grabbed said soda, as well as the package of diapers and headed up to my room. 

Once I entered my room, I placed my soda bottle onto my table in my room, and grabbed the package of diapers and set it on my bed. I slowly tore open the package, and took out one folded diaper. It was definitely larger and thicker than Yuri's diapers. The sheer size of the diaper was incredible. It definitely was similar enough to one of my sisters that the pail trick may work on days I feel too lazy. I took another look at the thick undergarment, as it's plastic cover glistened in the light coming in through my window. I changed myself into the diaper and immediately noticed how much thicker this one was than my sisters, as it forced my legs apart. I put the pack into my closet, underneath a pile of junk I doubt my parents would ever look through. I cracked open my soda and took a nice swig, feeling quite refreshed, but I also felt something else. There was a pulsing in my bladder. Signaling that it was time for the fun to begin.

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